Sunday, October 29, 2023

Will You Be An Aaron and Hur?

 While the devil fights the Saints hard, he fights the Pastor even harder because if he can get the shepherd to fall, he can get some of the sheep as well.  When a Pastor resists and remains strong in Jesus,  the devil tries another tactic....he goes after the Pastor's spouse and children.  

Some spouses and children are strong enough to recognize and resist the wiles of the enemy.  But sadly, some fall prey and slip away into sin.  I've watched the devil use too many Pastors' families to fight against him and try to destroy his Ministry.  This has caused some Pastors to give up their calling and walk away from the Ministry.  Some Pastors have continued to stand despite the opposition, but the battle is intense, more than many know or realize.  

Will you be an Aaron and Hur? Will you hold up the hands of your Pastor? And remember to pray for the Pastor's spouse and children as well....that they will be led by the Lord and not fall prey to the enemy who seeks to destroy their souls.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pastors, Continue to Preach With Boldness

 ² .... we were bold in our God 

to speak unto you the gospel of God 

with much contention. 

⁴ ... even so we speak; 

not as pleasing men, 

but God, which trieth our hearts.

- 1 Thessalonians 2 (KJV)

The TRUTHS of the Gospel and God's Word will appear to some to be contentious because it is opposite to the wills and desires of the flesh.  There is a way that SEEMS RIGHT unto man, BUT it's not and is deadly spiritually. (Prov 16:25)

We are praying for our Pastor and all Pastors to continue to be bold in preaching what is right and true according to the Word of God, even if it is not pleasing to some.   

Pastor and all Pastors, keep telling us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear. Our eternity depends upon it. For above all else, we must be saved.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Last night, we had a get together at the Church.  A few flies ended up getting inside which we didn't realize until they were flying around the Sanctuary this morning,  bugging various people (especially the Pastor). 

As I was playing a very serious worship song for altar call this evening,  one landed on the mic in front of me and began to walk around.  I was a little annoyed until it walked right to the side that I was singing into and then kept walking back and forth directly in front of my mouth, only an inch from it.

Annoyance turned to panic. All I could think of was: what would happen if that thing flew in my mouth? Or I inhaled it?
The thought of it started me almost giggling....while I'm trying to sing and play.  I finally made it through...without laughing and without the fly ending up in my mouth.  😅

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

It's Not Easy Being a Pastor

It's not easy being a Pastor....  

The following example happened at another church (not Living Water APC) : I personally witnessed a member stood up in the middle of a sermon, make a scene to get the pastor's attention, glared at him then stormed out of the sanctuary.   This pastor was preaching Biblical truth with love, but that person only wanted to hear messages about God's love and how God will do anything for them without wanting to hear what the Lord requires of us. 

Pastors must preach and warn against sin even if it makes someone angry.  Pray for all pastors.  They carry the weight of many souls on their shoulders.

They Shall Teach My People (Pastor Appreciation)

And they shall teach my people 

the difference 

between the holy and profane, 

and cause them to discern 

between the unclean and the clean.

  — Ezekiel 44:23 (KJV)

We're so thankful for our Pastor (and all Pastors) who teach us the difference between what is holy and what is unholy.  And help us to discern  (know) what is clean and what is unclean before God. 

Thank you to our Pastor and all Pastors who teach the hard stuff without fear or favor of man. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I Have Prayed For Thee (Pastor Appreciation)

 ³¹ And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, 

behold, Satan hath desired to have you, 

that he may sift you as wheat:

³² But I have prayed for thee, 

that thy faith fail not: 

and when thou art converted, 

strengthen thy brethren.

Luke 22 (KJV)

I'm so thankful for our Pastor (and all pastors) who pray and fast for us.  They see when the devil is trying to overcome someone through trials or temptations. 

They know the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy so they fight back through prayer and fasting,  often battling sleepless nights as the war in the Spirit and pray: that your faith fails not; that you will come through this trial or temptation stronger in your faith and will one day use your testimony of how you overcame to strengthen and encourage others.  

Pray for your pastor. He is praying for you.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Sharing our Adventure

This is not my typical post but sharing our adventure...

Ever so often, I seem to get us into an unplanned pickle, or adventure,  or whatever you want to call it. It's a bit lengthy but we lived to tell the tell of driving on the Tail of the Dragon...unintentionally.  😆

A few years back, what I thought was going to be a short hike turned into a 5 hour exhausting hike (round trip) up the side of a mountain jumping from rock to rock to cross streams without food or water or bear protection to see a waterfall that wasn't worth all that struggle.  

This year, we decided to take a relaxing drive through areas of the Smoky Mts to see the beautiful scenery along roadways we had never been before.  We began by driving up through Wear's Valley to Foothills Parkway.  The views were captivating as we looked in awe at God's creation.  

I thought Foothills Parkway ended at Townsend, but kept driving when I realized it went beyond that.  We stopped at various pull-offs to take pictures and drove until the road ended at a T. We decided to turn left since a sign indicated there was a Fontana Dam in that direction (which turned out to be quite a ways away and not a view to behold). 

After a short distance and not seeing the Dam, I pulled over and started the GPS navigating us to Gatlinburg. I figured it would navigate us back the way we came, but instead, it kept leading us the direction we were heading so I kept driving.  

GPS said we were on Hwy 129.  I didn't know if we were still in TN or had crossed into North Carolina.  The road was very windy and curvy so I'm driving cautiously.  My husband made the remark that people have probably died on this road.  Soon enough,  I saw a memorial erected to someone who must have passed away on that winding road. 💔😔 

As I drove,  speed bikes and roadsters kept coming up behind me revving their engines wanting me to go faster or pull off so they could pass. I was not going to go faster so I pulled off when there was a place to do so safely.  

As we keep driving,  I began seeing tents set up beside the road ever so often with people sitting under them aiming their high powered telescoping lenses at our car taking pictures. There were speed bikes and roadsters behind me and driving toward me so I thought we must have ended up in the middle some race.  Oops! Therefore,  we are unintentionally in the way of their pictures.  

I was trying to hide my face from the cameras because surely they are not meaning to photograph us, just them. But then, we encountered a few rushing to grab their cameras and take our picture when no bikes or cars were around. 😳 I thought they must be confused. 🙄 Can't they tell our Honda CRV is NOT a race car???  What is up with the paparazzi???

We passed the North Carolina state line and finally saw the sign for Deals Gap and the Tail of the Dragon. 😳🤦‍♀️ and a store that you can stop in to see and purchase your pictures.  👀😬 which we drove on past. 

The drive continued taking us past Bryson City and into Cherokee then through the Smoky Mt National Park where we stopped for a picnic lunch.  Took us 4.5 - 5 hours but I can now say I drove on The Tail of the Dragon. 🤷‍♀️. Hope you enjoyed reading about our adventure.  😁