Sunday, July 30, 2023

Feeling Like God Is So Far Away?

Feeling like God is so far away?

When you feel that way, His Word instructs:

DRAW NIGH to God, 

and HE WILL draw nigh to you. 

  — James 4:8 (KJV)

How much are you praying?

How much time are you spending reading His letters (the Bible)?

Is there unrepented sin in your life?

James continues to instruct in that verse...

CLEANSE your hands, ye sinners; 

and PURIFY your hearts, ye double minded.

Once you begin to make those steps to draw closer to God, His Word promises He WILL draw near to you. 

He's waiting  -   -   -  on you

Monday, July 17, 2023

You Can't Stay Silent to Reach the Lost

You will not reach the lost nor convert the sinner from the err of their ways by staying silent or only posting pictures of yourself or food. 

The Bible instructs to 'compel' them to come in. (Luke 14:23)

Compel means "force or oblige (someone) to do something."

Paul went into various religious meeting places and disputed DAILY FOR YEARS teaching and correcting false doctrine and erroneous philosophies. 

Paul spoke BOLDLY for 3 months DISPUTING and PERSUADING the things concerning the Kingdom of God.  (Acts 19:8)

Acts 19:9-10 says he DISPUTED DAILY for TWO YEARS. 

Sound Biblical Doctrine is important. 

Paul's actions proved that. 


There is a world lost and dying.  Time is running out. We must not stay silent. 

We must.....

Teach the Word.

Teach the Truth.

Teach it boldly.

Speak the Truth in love but speak - the - Truth without fear or favor of man.

Eternity is coming fast.

Souls are depending on you to show them the way.

Earnestly Contend for the Faith 

Jude 1:3 was needful for me to write unto you, 

and exhort you that ye should 



which was once delivered unto the saints.

Earnestly  = with sincere and intense conviction

Contend = assert something as a position in an argument

Jesus instructed us to teach and make Disciples.

Pray for boldness and wisdom then Go make Disciples, teaching them to observe whatsoever things Jesus commanded.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

What Owns You? A study on Nicotene, Snuff, Vaping and Drugs



It used to be common understanding to those who professed Christianity as to why Christians should not partake in such things such as alcohol consumption, the use of nicotine or snuff, and everyone definitely understood the dangers and stayed away from using drugs.  But now, we have many who no longer think it’s wrong and some who even teach contrariwise…that its use is ok and there’s nothing wrong with it. 

This shift reveals the sad state of not just our world but now also the Church that we now need to teach ‘Christians’ WHY these things are wrong to use. 

Some have tried to excuse the usage of such citing this reason, “it’s no different than caffeine addiction.”  Does that make it ok?  But more than that, there is a HUGE difference which we are going to look at concerning each of these.

First off: ANYTHING a person is addicted to can be a sin, whether it is food, caffeine, or the aforementioned. 

Merriam-Webster defines addiction as this: “a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having HARMFUL physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as ANXIETY, IRRITABILITY, TREMORS, or NAUSEA) upon withdrawal or abstinence.

I saw a picture hanging in a restaurant a while back that had a coffee cup with a smiling face on it and the words under it, “I Own You.” 

That was very eye-opening.  I don’t want anything ‘owning’ me.  If it ‘owns’ me, it controls me.  If you are addicted to something, it has you bound to serve it.  It has dominion (authority) over you rather than you having dominion over it.


We have all heard that caffeine can be addictive.  However, according to, while there is a little truth to it, that belief is a myth.

“This one has some truth to it, depending on what you mean by “addictive.” Caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system, and regular use of caffeine does cause MILD physical dependance. BUT caffeine doesn’t threaten your physical, social or economic health the way addictive drugs do. (Although after seeing your monthly spending at the coffee shop, you might disagree!)”

While a person may experience a headache, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, feel slightly depressed or have difficulty concentrating after they abruptly stop intaking large amounts of daily caffeine, they will only experience these symptoms for a day or so.  However, it is incomparable to the withdrawal of harmful drugs.

Caffeine use or lack thereof is not going to cause a person to harm themselves or others (although many jokes have been derived from lack of coffee). Health experts DO NOT consider caffeine dependency to be an addiction.

You can find more information concerning caffeine and the debunking of these myths on their website:



After only the first few times of smoking, a person will become addicted.  Nicotine raises a person’s dopamine level (a pleasure hormone) which causes them to crave and return to the cigarette until it has them addicted (bound).

Some have the misconception that an occasional cigarette won’t hurt them.  According to webmd, that is a myth.  Cigarettes contain hundreds of harmful chemicals (at least 70 of those can cause cancer), therefore, every puff in is harming a person’s lungs, their blood vessels, and cells throughout the body.

Many do not realize that smoking for only a few weeks can trigger a heart attack.


The toxins in tobacco raise a person’s risk for cancer, heart disease, and other health problems…this includes those that claim to be ‘filtered’ or ‘light’.  Even the E-cigarettes are NOT safe.  They contain a harmful aerosol that they inhale, still placing the person at risk for lung or heart disease and cancer as well.  

Smoking not only affects and puts at risk the health of the smoker, it also puts the health of those nearby at risk as well.


It is more than just an annoyance, secondhand smoke adversely affects the health of others who are breathing it in.  Tens of thousands of nonsmokers die each year because they’re breathing in the smoke from others.

It is gross and extremely inconsiderate to smoke near someone.  Do they not realize or care that whoever is near to them is having to breath in what they just breathed in then breathed out of their lungs? 

Fact: Secondhand smoke can cause immediate harm to the recipient’s heart and blood vessels.

Fact: Secondhand smoke is linked to premature births, low-weight babies, and SIDS (sudden infant death).

Fact: Children who are exposed are more prone to ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia.  Children with asthma will have more frequent and severe attacks.

A smoker is not just harming their own body – they are harming others in a critical way!

Look on for more information concerning the dangers of smoking cigarettes, whether filtered, light, or E-cigs as well as information on the dangers of secondhand smoke.



Vaping is the use of a device which heats liquid chemicals (called e-juice) into a mist that a person breaths in like a cigarette or pipe.  

The e-liquids (e-juice) may contain marijuana or other drugs as well as nicotine which is known to be addictive.  The liquid contains dangerous chemicals which are linked to lung disease and cancer.  

Toxic metals have also been found in the e-cig vapor.  Breathing these toxic metals in has been linked to lung, liver, immune system, and brain damage as well as cancer.

Some liquids contain flavorings. These flavorings have been found to damage a person’s DNA or kill cells that line the blood vessels.  Cinnamon and menthol have been found to be the most harmful.

Vaping has been found to make heart disease more likely.

Researchers are still looking into what other health risks may be associated with that inhaled liquid.   While they do not know all the risks associated with its use, several have died and hundreds have contracted lung injuries here in the U.S.   Because of this, the CDC is advising to avoid using it.

Again, for more information, go to the website:



What is snuff?  There are two types of snuff: dried (sniffed through the nostrils) and moist (placed in the mouth).

The first thing about chewing tobacco is that it is gross to the non-users.  The user spits this blackish liquid out of their mouth on to the ground or into an empty soda bottle.  Those who use these products may not care how others perceive it, so we’ll look a little more in-depth concerning its use.

Some people believe it’s a safe alternative, however, it is not! 

FACT: Snuff/Chewing Tobacco is linked to numerous health problems and contain chemicals that are known to cause cancer as well as nicotine (which is addictive).

FACT: Snuff/Chewing Tobacco increases the risk of pancreatic, throat, and mouth cancers.  It also increases the risk of developing leukoplakia (small white patches in the mouth that can turn cancerous).

FACT: Snuff/Chewing Tobacco increases the user’s heart rate and blood pressure.  Those that use it long-term are likely to die from heart disease.

FACT: Snuff/Chewing Tobacco is addictive since it contains nicotine. Withdrawals from this product are as difficult as that from smoking.

FACT: Snuff/Chewing Tobacco not only increase your risk of mouth and throat cancer, but it also increases your risk of developing other dental problems.  

FACT: Chewing tobacco contains a lot of sugar which can cause tooth decay since it’s held against the teeth.  It can also scratch your teeth and irritate your gums which increases the user’s risk of gum disease and receding or swollen gums.

FACT:  It stains the teeth and causes bad breath.  It can also cause bone loss around the user’s teeth and expose the root of the tooth, eventually causing it to fall out.

These studies have revealed there are not any ‘safe’ tobacco products. 

More information or confirmation can be found at



The oil derived from marijuana (CBD) is gaining popularity.  So much so, that even some ‘Christians’ are promoting its use and selling it.

What is CBD?  It is a chemical found in marijuana but does not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which is the psychoactive ingredient which produces a high. 

While some doctors will prescribe CBD as what they have found to be an effective anti-seizure medicine, they do not know yet whether there are any other benefits or dangers from its use.

Currently, the ONLY CBD product approved by the FDA is a PRESCRIPTION oil called Epidiolex, which is prescribed to treat 2 types of epilepsy.

They do know that CBD carries some risks.  It can cause side effects such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, nausea, drowsiness, and fatigue as well as interfere with other medications a person may be taking (such as blood thinners). 

There is also rise for concern since the purity and dosage varies and is unreliable between products.  Many contain less CBD than what they claim.  They also found THC (the ingredient that causes a marijuana high) in some of the products.

Further information and confirmation can be found on

Some sites purported that potential risks and harms from its use include: adverse drug interactions, liver toxicity, as well as reproductive and developmental effects.  According to, CBD can cause liver injury.

The only APPROVED and physician supported usage is through a prescription for epileptic seizures.  Many ‘Christians’ are promoting and selling it as a ‘cure’ for this or a ‘remedy’ for that when there is no scientific evidence supporting their claims at this time. There are, however, side effects and the possible contamination of the mind-altering substance (THC) within some of these products.

There is a reason preachers and saints have stood against this and other mind altering drugs for all these years.  Just because the oil from marijuana is popular and now legal in many states does not mean it is safe or good for a person to use.



I believe most (or I hope) realize the dangers of mind-altering drugs so I will not spend much time discussing this issue.  It is a well known fact that drugs not only harm and can kill the user, but they can also cause the user to do irrational things and harm others while under it’s influence.  This is why drug use is illegal and those who use or sell it are sentenced to jail time. 

If the law recognizes the dangers and has outlawed their use, how much more should a Christian?




What does the Bible say?

Romans 6:16

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?


Romans 6:12-14 

Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.

Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God.

For sin shall not have dominion over you!


1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.


We are the temple of the living God!  We are bought with a price, therefore, we are to glorify God in our body as well as our spirit because we belong to God. (1 Cor 6:20) 

If a ‘Christian’ is wanting to use these substances, the question needs to be asked, “Why?”  Because it’s now legal?  Just want to try it and see what it’s like?  Why?

The usage of these substances does not send the message to the unsaved that you are a Christian.  The usage of these substances does not glorify God.  The usage of these substances do defile and destroy our bodies which are the temple of the Living God.   

Christians, ABSTAIN from ALL APPEARANCE of evil. (1 Thess. 5:22) 

Friday, July 14, 2023

 "Finders keepers, losers weepers" 

is an unbiblical concept. (Deut. 22)

First posted to fb 12-19-15

Monday, July 10, 2023

Who Are You Trying To Win?

Here we go...AGAIN 😳

I know I've posted about this a few times but i am absolutely floored with the common trend that happens in our area: Saints and ministers from neighboring churches encouraging people from other Truth teaching congregations to come to their Church.  Or tagging them in posts or inviting them to events yet not the Pastor (who is usually the last to find out about it). 

HOW can anyone feel right about this?
Or not realize they are being unethical?

We just had it happen AGAIN.  We found out last night that a minister at a neighboring Church was encouraging a family from our Church to come hear him preach at his Church although he knows they attend ours.  Thankfully they didn't go since we had Church at the same time. 

But WHY do many in this area think this is ok and acceptable?

Do they not realize or care that they're hurting and wounding their neighboring Church?

Most of all: Do they not understand they are sowing discord? Or rebellion?

We had a family attend our church for a short time.   They were disgruntled with the previous pastor and tried to pull other of their members with them when they changed.  While we want to grow, we do not want it to be at another Church’s expense, especially through the sowing of discord.  They quickly realized we did not support this, eventually became disgruntled with us as well and moved on.

There is an entire field of lost souls on the brink of eternity that need to be reached.  THOSE are the ones we are to be tagging and inviting and compelling to "come to our Church."

If the 'saved' swap Churches, it may grow that particular Church (until something causes them to move on again) but it does not grow GOD'S KINGDOM....which is our entire calling and purpose. 

I can't post this on my social media page because I am reaching for the lost and do not want to shed a negative light on Churches.  So, I post it here.  I know other Pastors and their wives have experienced the same hurts and wounds.  God sees.  I fear God too much to return the same to them. I'm not reaching for their saints, I'm reaching for THE LOST.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

When in Rome, do as the Romans do?

 You remember that old saying,

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." ?

Don't do as the Romans do.

Be a Light and shine your Light for Jesus 

Wherever you are.

This world doesn't need more to conform and be like it.

We are to be separate.  

We are to be set apart. 

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

  — Romans 12:2 (KJV)

This thought and Scripture came to my mind. It's not coincidence that Paul wrote that letter to the Church in Rome. The Holy Ghost is speaking to someone.   Will you heed His voice?