Saturday, December 30, 2023

A New Year & Resolutions

 A New Year & Resolutions

As the New Year is approaching, many ponder as to what their New Year Resolution(s) will be:
- diet
- pay off a debt
- travel to (destination)
and the list goes on.

The definition of Resolution means:
* A firm decision to do or not do something
* The quality of being determined

While resolutions can be good, very rarely does anyone  make a Resolution to....
* draw closer to God
* Read their Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus
* Win a soul to Jesus

☝️ THESE should be our top resolutions above all others.

Jesus is coming soon. 

We want to be ready for His coming, but we have to do our part to draw closer to Him.
If our mind and our time are filled with everything else with little or no time spent in God's Word and His Presence, we won't be ready when He returns.

We want others to be ready for His coming,  but we have to do our part to reach out and sow seeds of the Gospel. 
There is a law of harvest.  If I do not sow seeds into the ground, I will not reap the fruit from it in due season. If you don't sow seeds concerning the Word of God into hearts and minds,  you will not see the fruit of harvest.

Jesus gave the Great Commission: GO and TEACH.

Action is required on our part.
In order to teach effectively what the Word of God instructs you must study and learn what the Bible teaches.

Make the resolution (the quality of being determined) in this New Year to:
* draw closer to God
* Read your Bible not only daily but even more
* Pray more each and every day
* Fast more
* Go to Church more
* Invite more people to Church
* Tell more people about Jesus (sowing seed)
* Win a soul to Jesus (the harvest)

Wednesday, December 27, 2023


I once heard it said, "When you're dressing or sitting in a way to try to attract the attention of the cute boy across the aisle, you may also be attracting the attention of his perverted uncle or grandpa."

Modesty is not bad.

Modesty is not anti-women.

Modesty is a fence to guard and protect us. 

Modesty is Biblical....for women and for men.

Further study concerning what the Scriptures teach about modesty can be viewed here.....

Thursday, December 14, 2023

What you think on affects you...

 For as he thinketh in his heart, 

so is he....

  — Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

What you think on affects and molds who you are and who you become. 

Are you thinking good thoughts?

Or are you thinking negative thoughts?

Human nature wants to think and dwell on the negative but the Bible instructs us to think on these things...

whatsoever things are TRUE, 

.....there's a difference between truth and perceived truth or opinions 

whatsoever things are HONEST, from deceit, honorable

whatsoever things are JUST, 

.....righteous, holy

whatsoever things are PURE, 

.....clean, without sin

whatsoever things are LOVELY, 

......friendly,  kind, pleasant 

whatsoever things are OF GOOD REPORT; 

.....good news that is shared with a good intent

if there be any VIRTUE, 

.....doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong

and if there be any PRAISE, 

.....the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something


  — Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

To Teach or Not To Teach?

The recurring common reason I'm hearing for not teaching holiness and separation from the world is to "wait until they ask". 

Do you wait until a baby or child asks before you instruct them not to bite, or hit, or steal, or pull hair, etc?

No, you work to teach and correct a bad behavior they're exhibiting.  

Do you wait until a baby asks before you teach it how to say words, how to walk, or what 'No!' means?

Do you wait before a child asks before you begin teaching it the ABCs, how to put letters together to make words, and how to write? 

Do you wait until a child asks before beginning to teach him or her reading,  writing,  arithmetic, history, geography, art, music, etc?

No,you begin trying to teach and instruct things you know they need to learn, increasing the knowledge and lessons needed as they grow and grasp what they've previously been taught. 

Did God wait for His people to ask before He gave them the 10 Commandments and extensive instructions in the Law concerning the governing and ordinances of right and wrong?

No, He gave them rules to follow, instructing and correcting bad behavior and the sin nature that are contrary to God's ways. 

God gave them instructions on how to dress, how to live, what was ok or not ok to eat, things that were an abomination to Him, what was right and what was wrong. 

Did Paul wait for the saints in the Churches to ask questions before sending letters of instruction on how to live as a Christian and the sins they needed to shun and avoid?

In a few instances yes, but for the most part, No.  Paul sent them letters instructing them how to live Godly in this present world. 

His letters included instructions for and women....concerning clothing,  hair, alcohol,  submission,  things that will send a person to hell, and the need for the Fruit of the Spirit besides just the Gifts of the Spirit. 

Paul in his letter to Timothy instructed him to.....

2 Timothy 4:2 - 

* Preach the word; 

* be instant in season, out of season; 

* reprove, ( means reprimand, tell a fault, admonish)

* rebuke, (means express sharp disapproval or criticism of (someone) because of their behavior or actions.)

* exhort  (means to try to encourage or strongly urge someone to do something)

* with all longsuffering and doctrine.  (Use patience and the Word of God)

As for me, I will not wait until someone asks before teaching Biblical Truths that are contained within the Bible.  Because.... (2 Timothy 3)

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable 

* for doctrine, 

* for reproof, 

* for correction, 

* for instruction in righteousness: 

[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Our study compilations are available for free on YouTube....

Or if you prefer written, we have compiled the studies into a book and kept the price as low as possible....

First posted to fb Mar 7, 2022

Sunday, December 3, 2023

What Makes A Good Marriage?

Memory Post from fb Dec 3, 2013 concerning what makes a good marriage....

Someone asked the question on what makes a good marriage so I thought I'd share my thoughts on what made our marriage good with a love that has lasted beyond the grave....

A good marriage is not perfect, it will have it's ups and downs, and yes you will get angry with each other at times.

A good marriage is not giving up on each other and never letting the word 'divorce' proceed out of the mouth in the bad times.

A good marriage is one that endures because you love each other unconditionally, overlooking faults, or failures.

A good marriage realizes love is not a feeling but an action.

A good marriage endures through sickness and in health, in the good times and in the bad, loving and enduring even when it seems you've seen more of 'the poorer' than 'the richer' because you realize it is not money that makes you rich but the love you share so even if you don't have a lot of money, you are rich in what really, a true love, that has lasted far beyond the grave. A love that death could not kill. That is a good marriage and one I wouldn't trade for anything.

**Disclaimer, no offense intended for those who have been divorced. Some circumstances are beyond your control and I meant nothing negative toward anyone by my words. My reference is meant that when the going gets tough, the tough do not get going but stick together through it and grow stronger in their unity and love.

Friday, November 24, 2023

Happy THANKSgiving

The world tries its hardest to remove Jesus from every holiday.  They haven't been able to commercialize this particular holiday other than the sale of an abundance of food. So, they try to remove the one word that directs our attention to God.... the word "Thanks".... and replace it with other words.  

This is not "Turkey" day (although many will be eating plenty of it.  It is not "Friends"giving. Or whatever other word they try to replace it with. It is THANKSgiving.

While we are thankful for our friends, family, and so much more, remember to direct that thankfulness upward and take time to say, "Thank You Jesus for your many blessings on me." It is because of Him that we live, and move, and have our being.  We are abundantly blessed because of our loving Savior.

We're unworthy Lord but you have blessed us anyway. Thank You Jesus! 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

(Posted a year ago Nov 24, 2022 on Living Water Apostolic Pentecostal Church page)

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Galatians 6:7-8

 ⁷ ....whatsoever a man soweth, 

that shall he also reap.

⁸ For he that soweth to his flesh 

shall of the flesh reap corruption; 

but he that soweth to the Spirit 

shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

- Galatians 6 (KJV)

It is wise to examine what we are sowing to.

For what we are sowing to is what we will reap.

Friday, November 3, 2023


 THE ALTAR was the largest and highest piece of furniture  in the Tabernacle.  

THE ALTAR was the first thing seen when entering.  

THE ALTAR was a place of repentance, a place of sacrifice,  and a place of death.

One could go no further without FIRST visiting THE ALTAR. 

THE ALTAR is still an extremely important piece in our walk with God. 

It is at THE ALTAR that we confess our sins before God.

It is at THE ALTAR that we sacrifice our own will, our own desires and our own ways to submit them to God's.  

It is at THE ALTAR that we crucify that old sinful nature. 

It should be the FIRST place we go as we enter into the Presence of God through prayer. 

Don't ever bypass THE ALTAR.

We need to visit THE ALTAR every day. 

Don't forsake THE ALTAR.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Will You Be An Aaron and Hur?

 While the devil fights the Saints hard, he fights the Pastor even harder because if he can get the shepherd to fall, he can get some of the sheep as well.  When a Pastor resists and remains strong in Jesus,  the devil tries another tactic....he goes after the Pastor's spouse and children.  

Some spouses and children are strong enough to recognize and resist the wiles of the enemy.  But sadly, some fall prey and slip away into sin.  I've watched the devil use too many Pastors' families to fight against him and try to destroy his Ministry.  This has caused some Pastors to give up their calling and walk away from the Ministry.  Some Pastors have continued to stand despite the opposition, but the battle is intense, more than many know or realize.  

Will you be an Aaron and Hur? Will you hold up the hands of your Pastor? And remember to pray for the Pastor's spouse and children as well....that they will be led by the Lord and not fall prey to the enemy who seeks to destroy their souls.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pastors, Continue to Preach With Boldness

 ² .... we were bold in our God 

to speak unto you the gospel of God 

with much contention. 

⁴ ... even so we speak; 

not as pleasing men, 

but God, which trieth our hearts.

- 1 Thessalonians 2 (KJV)

The TRUTHS of the Gospel and God's Word will appear to some to be contentious because it is opposite to the wills and desires of the flesh.  There is a way that SEEMS RIGHT unto man, BUT it's not and is deadly spiritually. (Prov 16:25)

We are praying for our Pastor and all Pastors to continue to be bold in preaching what is right and true according to the Word of God, even if it is not pleasing to some.   

Pastor and all Pastors, keep telling us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear. Our eternity depends upon it. For above all else, we must be saved.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Last night, we had a get together at the Church.  A few flies ended up getting inside which we didn't realize until they were flying around the Sanctuary this morning,  bugging various people (especially the Pastor). 

As I was playing a very serious worship song for altar call this evening,  one landed on the mic in front of me and began to walk around.  I was a little annoyed until it walked right to the side that I was singing into and then kept walking back and forth directly in front of my mouth, only an inch from it.

Annoyance turned to panic. All I could think of was: what would happen if that thing flew in my mouth? Or I inhaled it?
The thought of it started me almost giggling....while I'm trying to sing and play.  I finally made it through...without laughing and without the fly ending up in my mouth.  😅

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

It's Not Easy Being a Pastor

It's not easy being a Pastor....  

The following example happened at another church (not Living Water APC) : I personally witnessed a member stood up in the middle of a sermon, make a scene to get the pastor's attention, glared at him then stormed out of the sanctuary.   This pastor was preaching Biblical truth with love, but that person only wanted to hear messages about God's love and how God will do anything for them without wanting to hear what the Lord requires of us. 

Pastors must preach and warn against sin even if it makes someone angry.  Pray for all pastors.  They carry the weight of many souls on their shoulders.

They Shall Teach My People (Pastor Appreciation)

And they shall teach my people 

the difference 

between the holy and profane, 

and cause them to discern 

between the unclean and the clean.

  — Ezekiel 44:23 (KJV)

We're so thankful for our Pastor (and all Pastors) who teach us the difference between what is holy and what is unholy.  And help us to discern  (know) what is clean and what is unclean before God. 

Thank you to our Pastor and all Pastors who teach the hard stuff without fear or favor of man. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I Have Prayed For Thee (Pastor Appreciation)

 ³¹ And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, 

behold, Satan hath desired to have you, 

that he may sift you as wheat:

³² But I have prayed for thee, 

that thy faith fail not: 

and when thou art converted, 

strengthen thy brethren.

Luke 22 (KJV)

I'm so thankful for our Pastor (and all pastors) who pray and fast for us.  They see when the devil is trying to overcome someone through trials or temptations. 

They know the devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy so they fight back through prayer and fasting,  often battling sleepless nights as the war in the Spirit and pray: that your faith fails not; that you will come through this trial or temptation stronger in your faith and will one day use your testimony of how you overcame to strengthen and encourage others.  

Pray for your pastor. He is praying for you.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Sharing our Adventure

This is not my typical post but sharing our adventure...

Ever so often, I seem to get us into an unplanned pickle, or adventure,  or whatever you want to call it. It's a bit lengthy but we lived to tell the tell of driving on the Tail of the Dragon...unintentionally.  😆

A few years back, what I thought was going to be a short hike turned into a 5 hour exhausting hike (round trip) up the side of a mountain jumping from rock to rock to cross streams without food or water or bear protection to see a waterfall that wasn't worth all that struggle.  

This year, we decided to take a relaxing drive through areas of the Smoky Mts to see the beautiful scenery along roadways we had never been before.  We began by driving up through Wear's Valley to Foothills Parkway.  The views were captivating as we looked in awe at God's creation.  

I thought Foothills Parkway ended at Townsend, but kept driving when I realized it went beyond that.  We stopped at various pull-offs to take pictures and drove until the road ended at a T. We decided to turn left since a sign indicated there was a Fontana Dam in that direction (which turned out to be quite a ways away and not a view to behold). 

After a short distance and not seeing the Dam, I pulled over and started the GPS navigating us to Gatlinburg. I figured it would navigate us back the way we came, but instead, it kept leading us the direction we were heading so I kept driving.  

GPS said we were on Hwy 129.  I didn't know if we were still in TN or had crossed into North Carolina.  The road was very windy and curvy so I'm driving cautiously.  My husband made the remark that people have probably died on this road.  Soon enough,  I saw a memorial erected to someone who must have passed away on that winding road. 💔😔 

As I drove,  speed bikes and roadsters kept coming up behind me revving their engines wanting me to go faster or pull off so they could pass. I was not going to go faster so I pulled off when there was a place to do so safely.  

As we keep driving,  I began seeing tents set up beside the road ever so often with people sitting under them aiming their high powered telescoping lenses at our car taking pictures. There were speed bikes and roadsters behind me and driving toward me so I thought we must have ended up in the middle some race.  Oops! Therefore,  we are unintentionally in the way of their pictures.  

I was trying to hide my face from the cameras because surely they are not meaning to photograph us, just them. But then, we encountered a few rushing to grab their cameras and take our picture when no bikes or cars were around. 😳 I thought they must be confused. 🙄 Can't they tell our Honda CRV is NOT a race car???  What is up with the paparazzi???

We passed the North Carolina state line and finally saw the sign for Deals Gap and the Tail of the Dragon. 😳🤦‍♀️ and a store that you can stop in to see and purchase your pictures.  👀😬 which we drove on past. 

The drive continued taking us past Bryson City and into Cherokee then through the Smoky Mt National Park where we stopped for a picnic lunch.  Took us 4.5 - 5 hours but I can now say I drove on The Tail of the Dragon. 🤷‍♀️. Hope you enjoyed reading about our adventure.  😁

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


We are going to discuss the last two fruit of the Spirit mentioned in 
Galatians 5:22-23….Meekness and Temperance.

MEEKNESS means to have and show humility (a modest or low view of one’s importance; lack of pride).   

Paul admonished Timothy to follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness (humility). (1 Timothy 6:11)

Jesus taught in Matthew 5:5 – Blessed are the meek (humble): for they shall inherit the earth.

1 Peter 5:5 teaches us to be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

Having meekness is not about the lack of confidence (you can have confidence in your ability and still be humble), but it is the lack of pride which causes a person to be arrogant.

Have you ever seen or perhaps personally experienced someone turn up their nose at you?  That is not the behavior of a humble person.

The Bible warns, “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) 

Pride and haughtiness are the opposite of what Jesus exampled…. Matthew 21:5 – Behold, they KING cometh unto thee, MEEK, and sitting upon a donkey. 

Jesus is the King, and yet He was humble as He rode into Jerusalem on the donkey with the people lining the streets shouting, “Hosanna!  Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord!”  Most would become lifted up in pride and vanity hearing the cheers and praise of everyone surrounding them, but not Jesus.

That is the opposite of what we see and hear pushed in society and through social media.   So many are striving to be seen and gain attention. 

Posting pictures of yourself with your family, friends, and vacations isn’t a sin, but when someone often posts pictures of themself the heart needs to be examined as to the motive.  

Many are trying to become popular, well known, and gain notoriety through their accomplishments, pictures, or posts.

There is nothing wrong necessarily with succeeding and feelings of accomplishment (depending upon what the person is setting out to succeed in and as long as it’s not taking them further away from God and time spent with Him.  For example: becoming a doctor or nurse compared to becoming a rock star).  But whatever a person is striving to succeed in, they need to remain humble. 

Meekness/Humility is the opposite of pride and boastfulness.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 warns us that in the last days perilous times shall come.  (Many of the things Paul warned about fall under the sin of pride and are the opposite of a meek and humble attitude.) For many shall be:

lovers of their own selves (that’s pride, not humility),
covetous (jealous of what others have or their accomplishments),
boasters (brag on themselves),
proud (appearing above others, haughty),
blasphemers (people lifted up in pride speak against their Maker),
disobedient to parents (that’s not being humble),
unthankful (feel that things are owed to them.  opposite of humility)
highminded (self conceit, lifted up with pride),
lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (seeking after what is fun and makes them feel good more than seeking to please and serve God)

Paul wrote in his letter to the Church in Philippians 2:3 – Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory (self conceit); but in lowliness of mind (humility) let each esteem (think of) other better than themselves.

Philippians 2:4 – Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.  (in other words: don’t just think about yourself.  Think about others.  Sometimes we get a little too inward focused when we should be more outward/others focused.)

Philippians 2:5 – Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.  (In other words, think like Jesus thought. )

Philippians 2:7-8 tells us that JESUS MADE HIMSELF OF NO REPUTATION but rather took upon Himself the form of a servant.  Although Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16 + John 1:1, 3, 10, 11, 14, 15, 30), He HUMBLED Himself.  Jesus wasn’t trying to appear to be someone great (although He definitely was). Instead, He exampled humility.

Many of the attributes attributed to a loving person in 1 Corinthians 13 can also be said of a humble person…

A humble person does not vaunt (boast about) itself.

A humble person is not puffed up (haughty, proud)

A humble person is not self-seeking.

Paul concludes his teaching concerning the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:26 with this… Let us not be desirous of vain glory.  Meaning: don’t be egotistical; don’t be conceited, boasting about oneself, seeking after and desiring the attention of others.

The last fruit of the Spirit is Temperance
(also known as Self Control).

How many battle to maintain self control when it comes to Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers?

Some people may struggle with self control when it comes to chocolate or sweets.

Anyone else struggle to maintain self control when you’re driving in traffic?

What about Walmart?  Some days it takes more self control than others when trying to navigate through their aisles around people and carts that are taking up the entire walkway. 

It takes self control to bite your tongue and not say what you’re thinking and really want to say to someone.

It takes self control to not retaliate with your words when someone out of the blue says something snarky, snide, or mean and you’re wondering, “where did that come from?  Why did they say that?” 

Sadly, many children (and adults) today lack self control.  That’s why there is so much chaos and lawlessness in our world.  Unfortunately, excuses are made for poor behavior rather than issuing discipline and consequences for it.  

Poor behavior had one means of correction when I was growing up: the ‘board of education’ was applied to the ‘seat of knowledge’ and we learned self control lest it be administered again.

Paul observed how athletes learned self control if they wanted to obtain the prize by winning the race.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 – Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? (several may run but only one will win) So run, that ye may obtain.  And every man that striveth for the mastery (competes to win) is temperate (self controlled) IN ALL THINGS (their eating habits, their sleeping habits, the exercise they do). 

If those runners did not exercise self control concerning what they eat or drank, it could cause them to lose the race.   

If they stayed up half the night, they would be too tired to put as much energy into winning the race.

If they did not exercise and practice maintaining and gaining endurance, they would not be able to hold out and keep up the pace needed to finish the race.  

Paul continued: Now they do it (all this) to obtain a corruptible crown (earthly prize that’s temporary and later forgotten); but we an incorruptible (eternal life that can’t be taken away). I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air (I’m running with purpose and not just aimlessly beating the air): BUT I KEEP UNDER MY BODY AND BRING IT INTO SUBJECTION.

Paul recognized the need for self control in both the physical and in the spiritual or else he could lose his soul and be rejected by God.

We need to learn to be self controlled in all areas of our lives, especially if our lack of self control could cost us our soul.



Jesus said in Matthew 7:16 that we shall be known by our FRUIT.  He asked: Do men gather grapes from a thorny bush?  Or do we gather figs from thistles that prick us?  No, neither a grape vine nor a fig tree will prick or hurt us.  Neither should we be exhibiting any behavior that pricks or hurts others.  

Jesus warned in Matthew 3:10 –  A tree that is not bringing forth good fruit is cut down and burned in a fire. 

He went on to teach in Matthew 7:17 – Every good tree will bring forth GOOD fruit.  But a corrupt tree (one that has something <some sin> eating away at it) will bring forth evil fruit.

Matthew 7:18 - A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Matthew 7:19 – Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire

Matthew 7:20 – wherefore by their FRUITS ye shall know them.

Jesus began and concluded this parable of the fruit and trees saying, “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

We find He taught on it again a few chapters later in Matthew 12:33 and again said – Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt for THE TREE IS KNOWN BY HIS FRUIT.

Luke 13 teaches a very sobering lesson -  Jesus said a certain owner came to his vineyard and desired fruit from a certain tree.  For 3 years, he had come looking to eat of its fruit and for 3 years he had found none on it.  He commanded the keeper of the vineyard to cut it down.  It was taking up space and was unprofitable. But the Keeper interceded and asked if the owner would give the tree one more year to see if he could get it to bring forth fruit. The owner granted the tree one more year to produce fruit or be cut down.

There are times when the Pastor stands in the gap through prayer for the soul of someone who is not bringing forth fruit. They’ve received the same spiritual food, the same messages as the rest of the congregation.  Some receive the preached Word, apply it to their lives and begin to bring forth spiritual fruit as they let God’s Word saturate their heart making it good fertile ground. 

Yet, some seem not to hear or receive what has been preached.  Their mind wanders to other things as the seeds of the Word being sown by the Preacher or teacher fall by the wayside or on stony ground.  Their heart does not bring forth fruit because they’re not doing their part to water and prepare their heart with prayer, Bible reading, and fasting.  They’re not doing their part to maintain self control and bring every thought captive and force their mind to focus on the Word of God. (sometimes we have to do that because distractions will come)   

Sadly, they are unaware that they have become like that tree that is not producing fruit year after year.  God is ready to be done with them, but the pastor intercedes to give that person a little more time to hear the preached Word.  Perhaps, this will be the year they will make the turn around.  Perhaps this will be the year they will shed the dead branches of whatever their struggle or sin may be and begin to bring forth good fruit.  

We need to examine our hearts to make sure we are bringing forth GOOD fruit.  If we are feeling irritable, or exhibiting some bitterness, or talking against someone behind their back, or we feel rebellion rising up in us, or anger, or clamour (yelling), and such like then we need to take time to root out whatever is causing our fruit to be rotten.

Repent, pray, saturate your mind with God’s Word, and fasting may be needed and is beneficial to help us root out whatever is tainting our fruit lest God becomes weary with our rebellious heart and ways and wants to cut us down and cast us away.  That’s not something anyone likes to hear taught, yet it's mentioned in the Bible for a reason.  There comes a point when God grows weary as we see from this parable.  Unless, someone intercedes.

I’m so thankful for Pastors who intercede for those under their care. We need to pray for our pastor because he is praying and interceding for us.

How can we make sure we bring forth good fruit?  John 15:1-8 – we cannot bear good fruit unless we ABIDE in the Vine (we need to stay connected and close to Jesus).   Jesus said He is glorified when we produce MUCH FRUIT.  

There is no laws against any of the fruit of the Spirit – not a single one.  You won’t go to jail or get fined for being loving, being happy, showing peace, being longsuffering, being gentle or good or having faith or being humble or having self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)  

Friday, September 22, 2023

Can Faith Save Us?

James 2 (KJV)

¹⁴ What doth it profit, my brethren, 

though a man say he hath faith, 



¹⁷ Even so FAITH,



¹⁸ Yea, a man may say, 

Thou hast faith, and I have works: 

shew me thy faith without thy works, 


²⁰ But wilt thou know, O vain man, 


²¹ Was not Abraham our father 

justified by works....?

²² Seest thou how faith wrought WITH his works, 


²⁴ Ye see then how that 



²⁶ For as the body without the spirit is dead, 


Did you notice James stated THREE TIMES in just these few Scriptures that: FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD (Vs 17, 20, 26)? 

He likened it to the body without the spirit is dead.  

It takes BOTH...Faith AND works.

Some teach or believe you don't need to be baptized or receive the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues.  They state, "we're saved by grace" ((Eph 2:5,8).  We are but those Scriptures we're written addressing THE CHURCH, those who had already been baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost.  

Jesus taught in Mark 16:16... he that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved. 

Jesus continued in verse 17... and THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW them that believe...they shall speak with new tongues. 

Have you been baptized since you believed?

Have you spoke with new tongues since you believed?

Have you followed Christ's teachings to be Born Again?

Acts 2 (KJV)

³⁸ Then Peter (who was taught by Jesus) said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

³⁹ For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT – Gentleness, Goodness, Faith

 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT – Gentleness, Goodness, Faith


The fifth fruit of the Spirit mentioned is: GENTLENESS

When you hear the word ‘gentleness’ or ‘gentle,’ what do you think of it as meaning?

Oxford dictionary gives this definition: the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered. 

Strong’s Concordance (G5544) will at times substitute the word gentleness with kindness or goodness (the next fruit of the Spirit).  If you ask google, “what are the 9 fruit of the spirit?” it will mention kindness instead of gentleness. defines gentleness as: an absence of bad temper or belligerence.  Gentle has reference especially to disposition and behavior and is also associated with forbearance (lonsuffering/putting up with) in dealing with others.

When you begin to study the fruit of the Spirit, you will see how closely each are intertwined with the characteristic of another.

Paul teaches in his letter to the Church in Colossia, how we as Christians are to act toward one another.

Colossians 3:12 says to: put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, KINDNESS, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering (there’s the fruit of longsuffering/patience mentioned again).

As Christians, the elect (chosen) of God, we are to be merciful toward others.  Did you notice that word mercies in this Scripture is plural?  Our mercy toward others should be abounding just as God’s mercy toward us is abounding and new every morning. (Lam 3:22-23)

Humbleness of mind and meekness mean nearly the same thing.  One is how you think about yourself and the other is how you act toward others yet both are indicating that we should not think more highly of ourselves than we should.

We are also to put on KINDNESS (also sometimes mentioned as GENTLENESS – G5544). 

Paul instructed the Ephesians in Ephesians 4:31-32…

Let all bitterness (poison), and wrath (fierceness, extreme anger), and anger (strong feeling of hostility), and clamour (shouting in anger), and evil speaking (saying things to or about someone that are hateful and hurtful) be put away from you, with all malice (intention or desire of ill will toward another). ß These are the works of the flesh, things/feelings/actions that will hinder us from inheriting the Kingdom of God.  These are things we need to put off.

I heard a story of someone who was supposed to be a Christian, yet grew angry at the service or lack of it at a restaurant so she slammed a chair down on the server’s foot which ended up breaking it.

In a separate incident, I witnessed someone call the server ‘toad’ and look disdainfully at them.  That server did not do anything that I could see to merit such hostility. That person was dealing with internal anger (evil speaking) that they then vented onto that poor server.  Jesus was not pleased, and I was embarrassed to be seen with them.

Those two instances are the OPPOSITE of the Fruit of the Spirit.  That is not showing gentleness or kindness toward others.  If Jesus would not behave in such a manner, neither should we.

The fruit of the Spirit helps us to: BE YE KIND ONE TO ANOTHER, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.  These are traits we need to put on and bind around us tightly.

Paul wrote to the Romans reminding them in Romans 2:4 that it is the GOODNESS (meaning the Gentleness, the kindness) of God that leads us to repentance.  Thank God for His goodness/His kindness that helps lead us to repentance.

We want God to be KIND/GENTLE toward us.  In the same manner, we need to be kind and gentle toward others.  We never know how our kindness shown toward others may affect and lead them to Jesus Christ.

The Bible talks about doing good to our enemies and likens it to ‘heaping coals of fire on their heads.’ (Prov 25:21-22)  God showed me a few years ago that this is not meaning it as a way of taking vengeance on them, but rather it may warm their heart. He is not going to reward us for intending ill or harm toward someone, but He will reward us for extending undeserved kindness.   It is a way of overcoming evil with good instead of being destroyed by their evil. (Romans 12:20-21)

Being Gentle/being kind can be tough to exhibit toward some people sometimes, especially if they are hostile toward you.  Many years ago, I had a cashier acting hateful toward me.  I didn’t know her.  I hadn’t said or done anything mean to her. I continued being kind despite her rudeness and finally asked, “Has it been a rough day?”  She nearly broke down crying as she explained that it had been and that a previous customer had been hostile toward her earlier in the day.  It had stayed with her and festered as she then became hostile toward others. 

Attitudes are contagious – be careful as to which kind of attitude you’re spreading. A kind reaction with care and concern helped to diffuse a tense situation.   I could have caught and spread that bad attitude that she had caught and was spreading, but instead I chose to be kind/to be gentle.

God didn’t say to only be kind to those who are kind to us.  He said, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him.  If he’s thirsty, give him something to drink.” (Prov 25:21) He instructs us in Luke 6:35 to do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the Children of the Highest: FOR HE IS KIND UNTO THE UNTHANKFUL AND TO THE EVIL. Wow!  God is kind to those who are thankful AND even to those who are evil.  How much more should we be?

We do our part (displaying the fruit of the Spirit) without ulterior motives or expecting anything in return, then leave the outcome in God’s hands. 

Be Gentle – Be Kind to others – even if they’re not to you.

The sixth fruit of the Spirit mentioned is: GOODNESS

This is the quality of being morally good and virtuous (having high moral standards). 

The New Testament uses many words to describe the characteristics and behaviors of those who are morally good and striving to be virtuous such as: just; righteous; holy; pure.  Those who are morally good and virtuous will also exhibit the characteristic of being gentle and kind (the previous fruit of the Spirit mentioned).

Romans 12:1 – present your bodies a living sacrifice, HOLY (morally blameless, pure, consecrated), acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Asking us to be holy, morally blameless, pure, and consecrated to God so that we are acceptable to Him is not asking anything unreasonable.  Paul said it is our REASONABLE service.  It’s possible, but it takes denying the will of the flesh.)

Romans 14:7 – The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but RIGHTEOUSNESS (right living), and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.

1 Corinthians 3:17 – If any man destroy the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is HOLY, WHICH TEMPLE YE ARE.
1 Corinthians 6:19 – What? Know ye not that YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST which is in you, which ye have of God, and YE ARE NOT YOUR OWN?

When we have the Holy Ghost living inside of us, which is the Spirit of Christ, we are to be holy in every way (morally blameless, pure and consecrated to God) because we are the place that Christ dwells.   He purchased and redeemed us with His own Blood therefore He owns us and has the right to require us to be separate from the world, live a certain way, and avoid doing certain things.  We are not our own - we now belong to Jesus Christ.  Therefore, we are to glorify God in our body and in our Spirit, which are God’s. (1 Cor 6:20)

Lot’s righteous soul was vexed daily by seeing their unlawful deeds and by hearing the filthy conversation of the wicked in Sodom and Gomorrah. (2 Peter 2:7-8) We do the same to Jesus when we listen to conversations or music that promotes or sings about ungodly things or if we watch/set anything before our eyes that is unholy and immoral.  If Jesus wouldn’t listen to certain music or talk, watch anything unwholesome or unholy, or go to certain places then neither should we. 

Ephesians 1:4 – …we should be HOLY and without blame before Him in love.

Colossians 1:22 – …to present you HOLY and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight.

1 Peter 1:15-16 – But as He which hath called you is HOLY, so be ye HOLY in all manner of conversation (meaning behavior which can include what we say). Because it is written, be ye holy; for I am holy.

2 Peter 3:11 – Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all HOLY conversation (meaning behavior which can include what we say) and godliness.  ( defines godliness in this way: conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devoutness and moral uprightness)

As we grow in God and draw closer to Him, we will begin to bring forth the Fruit of Goodness (being morally good and virtuous which means having high moral standards).

The seventh fruit of the Spirit mentioned is: Faith

Strong’s defines Faith (G4102) as being: your persuasion, moral conviction of religious truth.

Your faith should be more than just words (‘I believe in Jesus’).  It should be a conviction so strong that what you believe is Truth that you cannot be swayed or persuaded to believe anything different from it, and you are willing to die rather than deny it…just as the early Christians did and those in foreign countries are having to do.

Daniel’s moral conviction of what was religious truth was so strong, he was willing to be thrown in a den of hungry ferocious lions than to deny the God He would one day have to stand before.  He refused to pray to a mortal ruler who would also one day have to stand before the One True God.   Because Daniel held to his moral convictions and would not deny God, God shut the mouth of the lions and delivered Daniel out the den.

The 3 Hebrew boys (Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) were willing to face being thrown into a fiery furnace than to deny their God and kneel before a statue to appease the pride and rebellion of the Babylonian ruler.  Because these 3 young men held to their moral convictions and would not deny God or bow to please man, God walked with them in the midst of the fire for the King of Babylon to see and brought them out without any burns, singes, or even a twinge of the smell of smoke.

Peter who proclaimed boldly, “I will NEVER deny You, Jesus!” (Mark 14:31) and cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant with a sword as they came to arrest Jesus (Mark 14:47) suddenly grew scared as he feared that he, too, would be arrested, convicted, and hung on a cross just as they were about to do with Jesus.  He was so scared that he cursed adamantly denying that he knew who Jesus was.  I’m sure his heart smote him when he heard the rooster crowing as he realized what he had done. (Mark 14:66-72)  Yet, later, we find he became a bold preacher of the Gospel who could not be swayed.  (see the book of Acts and 1 + 2 Peter)

Steven, in the New Testament, held so tightly to his religious convictions that he was willing to suffer and die for Jesus Christ rather than deny Him.  As he felt life leaving his body, he didn’t hold any anger or malice or unforgiveness in his heart.  He didn’t pray and ask God to remember their deeds, words and actions and repay them for the evil they were doing against him.  Instead, he prayed that God would not hold it against those who were stoning him. (Acts 7:58-59) It’s one thing to be willing to die for our faith in Jesus Christ.  It’s more challenging to forgive and hold no bitterness against someone who is wounding us.

I have to wonder if his strong stand for his faith and the forgiveness in his heart made a difference in the heart of a man named Saul.   Saul, stood by watching and holding everyone’s coats as they stoned Steven until he died.   Saul heard the jeers of his peers yet he also heard the cry for their forgiveness coming from Steven’s lips as his writhed in agony.

Saul thought he was doing the will of God.  He thought he was standing for his religious convictions against what he perceived to be a false doctrine.  UNTIL, Jesus shown a light on him as he was on his way to Damascus to persecute and kill more Christians.   After that encounter, Saul changed sides, and Jesus changed his name.  Saul now became known as Paul.  The persecutor now became the persecuted.  And now, Paul understood how and why Steven was willing to die for His faith.  When you have a life changing encounter with the Savior, you will never be the same.

There are so many more examples I could give, but is our faith that strong that we are willing to die for what we believe? 

Could we still stand for Jesus and not deny His name or our Faith despite the possibility of dying for it just as the early Christians did and as the Christians in foreign countries are forced to choose?

If it’s not, we need to pray and ask God to help our Faith to grow stronger. 

Jesus said if we deny Him, He will deny us. (Matthew 10:33) 

But if we will boldly confess (acknowledge) Him before everyone, He will also confess (acknowledge) us.  (Matthew 10:32)

We need to become rooted (stable) and built up (building upon Christ Jesus) so that we will become established (strengthened) in the Faith. (Colossians 2:7)