Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Message of Repentance is not popular

Noah wasn't popular. He was mocked and ridiculed for preaching the need to repent and warning about the coming destruction. No one believed him until it began to rain and it was too late.

Jeremiah wasn't popular. He was hated and despised for preaching the need to repent and warning that destruction was coming while the majority proclaimed blessings, peace and safety. He felt the pressure to silent. He was persecuted but he could not refrain from speaking. No one believed him until it was too late.

John the Baptist wasn't popular for preaching his hard messages on repentance but he kept preaching and warning against sin. He lost his life trying to warn and adminish others.

Oh to be like Jesus! We sing it. We proclaim it. But Jesus was only popular for a short span of time while He healed the sick, fed the multitudes, and performed miracles. They loved Him while He was doing things FOR them. But when He began to preach the harder messages of denying the flesh and taking up your cross and calling out sin, the crowds began to thin as people turned against Him. Until finally, there were only a faithful few standing with Him at the foot of the cross while the majority that once followed and adored Him yelled "Crucify Him!"

Messages of true repentance are not popular but these preachers keep preaching and warning because they care for your soul. They love you enough to keep warning you even when they know they're often despised. Again, the cries are going forth to repent. Will you listen? Will you examine and cleanse your heart? Saints and sinners alike. God in His mercy is giving another altar call before it's too late. Will you heed to His voice?

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Disputing False Doctrine

Paul realized the need to combat false teachings. He stayed in Ephesus for 2 years DISPUTING and trying to PERSUADE the people concerning the Kingdom of God and correcting false doctrine. 

Some hardened their heart and would not hear or believe.  Some spoke evil against them and "that way". But Paul continued teaching in that area DISPUTING DAILY so that some might believe and be saved.  The others will never be able to say when they stand before God that they were not told. 

Keep teaching and preaching the Truth. Speak the truth in love but speak the Truth without fear or seeking the favor of man. Time is running out. Souls are hanging in the balance.  💔🙏