I’ve been shocked to find how many actually think there is nothing wrong
with reading other versions of the Bible such as NIV, RSV, ESV, MSG, etc.
NIV = New International Version
RSV = Revised Standard Version
ESV = English Standard Version
MSG = The Message Bible
It used to be common and held
firmly by most all denominations that the KJV was the closest to the original,
but over the years, that belief has diminished as more and more people (even
within our own denomination) embrace, read, and own different versions of what
is supposed to be the Bible.
Now, the tide has turned where many
will question why a person still reads or owns the King James Version instead
of the other way around and scoff at those who do.
The question many have today is
‘does it really matter which version I read?’ and some will use the reasoning
of ‘I can’t understand the KJV so I read these other versions because it’s
easier to understand.’
Today, we’re going to examine
some comparative Scriptures to see whether it really does matter or not and
address some of the reasons given.
How did the King James Version of
the Bible come into existence?
In 1604, soon after King James’
coronation as King of England, a conference of churchmen requested that the
English Bible be revised because existing translations ‘were corrupt and not
answerable to the truth of the original.’
King James set about to have 47
scholars organized into six companies which were then divided again with 2 of
each of those groups working at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge on sections
of the Bible assigned to them.
An elaborate set of rules was
contrived to deter individuals from translating the Scriptures with a bias
slant toward what they believed or leaned toward even if that’s not what the
Scripture said or meant.
They wanted to preserve the
translation’s scholarly and nonpartisan character and keep it as faithful to
the original languages of the Bible than previous translations.
The new Bible was completed and
published in 1611 and was widely accepted for centuries until people began to
look at it as antiquated/outdated and turned toward more modern versions
beginning in 1952 (RSV), 1978 (NIV), 1989 (NRSV).
“I’ve tried to read the KJV but I can’t understand it.”
The Scripture tells us that the
‘natural man’ cannot understand spiritual things.
Corinthians 2:14
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
for they are foolishness unto him:
neither can he know them (which means: be aware, understand),
because they are spiritually discerned.
The carnal, natural man will have trouble understanding what
God’s Word is saying. That’s why the
Bible says we must be born again.
John 3:3,
Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
…Ye must be born again.
When you’re born again, God’s
Spirit will be living within you. That
Spirit will guide a person into all Truth.
Howbeit, when He, the Spirit of Truth is come,
He will guide you into all Truth….
Then opened He their understanding,
that they might understand the Scriptures.
God’s Spirit will help us to
understand the Word of God if we go to it with an open heart and ask Him to
open our understanding.
Most Americans would find it
difficult to understand the Chinese language.
However, a child who is born into a Chinese family would be able to
understand every word.
When you are born again of water
and Spirit, the Bible will begin to make sense. It doesn’t happen overnight but
over time in the same way that a baby slowly learns to understand what their
mommy and daddy are saying because you will have the Holy Ghost inside teaching
and guiding you into all Truth.
The other versions are easier to understand
Possibly, some important questions to ask and examine are….
* Are they interpreted correctly?
* Are they omitting important words or phrases?
* Do they change the meaning of the Scripture?
Lately, it seems I’m seeing more
and more Scriptures posted from other versions.
It usually peaks my interest because I had never seen (whatever
Scripture) from that particular view before so I’ll quickly go look it up in my
Time and again, I’ve been shocked
and saddened that the meaning has been either somewhat changed or completely
A while back I saw a post on
Facebook concerning Jeremiah 9:2 from the Message Bible. People were having fun with it and it
intrigued me because as many times as I had read the Bible, I didn’t recall
seeing a Scripture with that inference.
Jeremiah 9:2 MSG |
Jeremiah 9:2 KJV |
But wait! - I thought the point
of these other versions was to make it easier to read and understand?
Feckless?!? Who actually uses that word and what does it
mean? Feckless means: lacking initiative
or strength of character; irresponsible.
There is a HUGE difference
between the meanings of faithless/feckless and adulterers/treacherous!
The MSG version changed the
entire meaning of that Scripture and watered down the outcry and outrage that
God Himself was feeling against His own people.
Israel was more than just a
faithless and irresponsible people; they were an assembly of deceitful people
who were committing spiritual adultery against their God.
What about NIV, ESV, and some of the other versions?
Jesus is the only one referred to as the Day Star
2 Peter 1:19
…until the day dawn,
and the day star
arise in your hearts.
Yet we find the ESV and ISV have changed the word ‘lucifer’ for ‘Day star’
The creator of this comparative makes a good point….
How can you trust a ‘Bible’ that misses the distinction between Jesus and
Let’s look at a comparative of Daniel 3:25 KJV vs. NIV
Daniel 3:25 KJV |
Daniel 3:25 NIV |
A comparative between Genesis 3:16 KJV vs.
There is a difference between a woman’s desire/longings to be toward her husband and for a woman’s desires/longings to be contrary to her husband.
While it is true that a husband and wife may not always see things eye to eye and may be opposite to each other, that is NOT what GOD said.
Comparative between KJV and NIV using Luke 9:56 and Matthew 18:11
Notice the NIV left out an important point mentioned in the KJV in Luke 9:56…
Jesus came to save lives, not destroy them!
…and it completely omitted the verse of Matthew 18:11 which reveals the whole reason why Jesus came!
WHY? Significant changes had to happen in order for the version/perversion to obtain a copyright in 1973.
Notice the other versions left out WHO or WHAT we’re to believe on.
Many believe but what do they believe in? and who do they believe in?
The KJV let’s us know we are to believe on JESUS!
False doctrines and theologies are created when
Scriptures are changed!
Philippians 2:5-6 KJV
vs ESV is a prime example of that….
1 Timothy 3:16 KJV
And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness.
GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit,
seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles,
believed on in the world, received up into glory.
There’s also a difference between
saying He was received up INTO glory and that He was taken up IN glory.
The ESV is a revised version of
the RSV which is already a ‘revised standard version’.
Most other versions omit an
important part of this verse….
ROMANS 8:1 KJV– There is
therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk
not after the flesh but after the Spirit.
just to name a few omit the last phrase of this verse….there is no condemnation
Denying your flesh and following
after the Will and Way of the Spirit is a key part in our walk with God!
NIV vs KJV Mark 9:46 - Where
their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
NIV completely omits the verse
explaining the agony and torture of hell.
Omitting it is not going to make it go away or make the reality of
eternity less real.
Copyright versus No Copyright
Why are there such drastic changes
and omission to these Scriptures? – the KJV does NOT have a copyright while the
ESV and other versions DO. Significant
changes had to be made in these various versions of the Scripture in order to
obtain copyrights.
If the Bible is God’s letters to
us, then why would and how could someone copyright the Word of God?
The King James Version is an
English translation of the Bible which was translated for the Church of
England. It was commissioned under the
sponsorship of King James VI in 1603 and completed as well as published in
The Old Testament was translated
from the Hebrew and Aramaic in which it was originally written and the New
Testament was translated from the Greek in which is was originally written (for
that was the universal language used during that time when the N.T. was
The KJV has been used and
accepted since 1611, so why the need to change now?
Changing just one word can change
the whole idea!
Some would reason that the KJV
language is outdated. Perhaps the
‘thee’s’ and ‘thou’s’ are, however we can understand what it’s meaning. Students are made to study Shakespeare in
school because his literature is considered ‘classics’ so why feel the Bible is
outdated and needs to be updated and changed?
The change in wording is also
bringing about a change in understanding of Scripture and creating false
The devil is so clever to mix
Truth with a little bit of lie in order to twist Truth and deceive just as he
did to Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The other versions are made to look real, they’ll have some Truth within, but
they were created to deceive and lead people astray into false doctrine.
These other versions omit important words, verses, and topics such as: hell, blood, and repent.
The ESV is actually another translation from the RSV, which was denounced by elder men of God who recognized that the translators of the Revised Standard Version were actually modernistic and liberalistic scholars who do not believe or embrace the revealed truths of God’s Holy Word, including the plan of salvation.
We need to be careful who’s
counsel we’re receiving. (Psalm 1:1)
Changes to the Bible lead to the
creation of false doctrines and open a person up to receiving a spirit of
1 John
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us;
he that is not of God heareth not us.
Hereby know we the Spirit of Truth,
and the spirit of error.