Friday, October 31, 2014

Bible Study Resources for Youth

Have you heard of the new youth Bible studies put out by P7 (Project 7)?  I highly recommend them whether your an adult teaching a group of teens or a teenager wanting to be involved in teaching Bible studies.  They are written by various Pentecostal authors and are FREE to download and use.  :)

Just click on the link below then click on "resources" which will take you to the page that contains 3 volumes of Bible studies.  What a blessing to have these resources so freely available!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Joy Cometh in the Morning

...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5

     Sometimes the night seems endless.  Some days it feels your sorrow or trial will never end.  You've held on tightly to hope but wonder when morning will come.  You try to smile but it never feels quite genuine.  Keep hanging in there, my friend!  Joy will return, and the sun will shine again.  

Weeping may endure for a night....
     In life, you will go through things at times that literally knocks the breath out of you.  You wonder if you will survive or if things will ever get better.  They will.  It may not feel like it at the moment but your trial, your sorrow, the darkness of night will only endure but for a little while.  It can't last forever.  Just as the night turns into day and the sun always rises in the morning, your joy will return.

JOY cometh in the morning....
     God promised that ALL things work together for good to them that love God....(Romans 8:28). You love God. He loves you.  He will work this out for your good.  You didn't plan for life to go this way.  What has happened is not by your choosing. He will turn this situation around.  What the devil meant to destroy you, God will use to bring Him glory.  You are called and He will work everything out according to HIS purpose.   Morning is coming and with it, joy!   

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Prov 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

There is no name that is greater than the name of Jesus!
It is the only name that can save, deliver, and heal.
We can call upon that Name in the time of trouble.

The Scripture says His name is a STRONG tower.
It is immovable, impenetrable, and impassable.
It is a fortress, protecting you round about on EVERY circles you, and is over and under you.
NOTHING can get to you while you are within it's walls!
You are inaccessible to outside forces!

The storms may rage outside.
The enemy will may taunt and sneer, telling you that he's, "going to take you down! You're going to lose!"
Do not listen!
They are only threats...he can NOT harm you unless God allows.
And if God allows, it is for a purpose and He will work all things for your good.

Trust in Him!
Rest upon His promises for No weapon formed against you shall prosper! (Romans 8:28)

(Posted on Facebook 09/18/14)


....The lips of the righteous feed many. (Prov10:21)
The tongue of the just is as choice silver.... (Prov 10:20)
The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom... (Prov 10:31)
The lips of the righteous knoweth what is acceptable.... (Prov 10:32)

Speak things that encourage, comfort, bring hope, and are good.
Speak things that build up and not tear down.
Speak truth in love but also know when to hold your peace (ie refrain from speaking).
The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable.
Speak life into someone else today!

You have no idea what they may be going through -what you say and how you say it could make a difference.

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. (Prov 12:25)

(Posted on Facebook 09/14/14)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Broken For A Purpose

A cracked pot sat upon the floor in the back corner of a store.  It wept as people walked past, looked at it with disdain, then walked away.  The cracked pot could overhear their conversations about how useless it was and needed to just be thrown away.  Dejectedly, the cracked pot had to concede they were right as it trembled daily, waiting for the owner to cast it out with the garbage. 

Finally, the day it feared came as the store owner walked slowly toward the cracked pot, eyeing it sadly.  He carefully picked it up, but rather than tossing it out the back door, he lovingly set it on a table.  The vessel had once been a piece of great beauty, destined for great things until it was mishandled and abused in the hands of careless people.  
The store owner began to speak comforting, reassuring words to the cracked pot, “I have great plans in store for you.”  The cracked pot wanted to believe his words but wondered how it could ever serve any purpose.  It was broken with pieces missing.  It felt so useless! 

Fear and despair returned as the cracked pot watched the store owner return with a chisel and hammer.  The cracked pot closed its eyes as it waited for the hammer to fall.  But rather than being smashed, the owner began to gently and carefully chisel away certain parts.  Still, it hurt, and the cracked pot winced, wondering why the owner was subjecting it to more pain.  “When will the pain stop? I don’t think I can take anymore!” the cracked pot agonized.    

Eventually, the owner stopped.   “How could he break me more than I already was?  I was useless before.  I’m even more useless now!” the cracked pot lamented, not knowing the thoughts and plans the store owner had in mind.  The cracked pot felt confused as it watched the owner work on it day after day then carry it outside and continue working.

The day finally arrived when the owner was finished.  People began to gather around and admire his work of art. He had transformed that cracked pot into a beautiful vessel with flowers pouring out of it.  The cracked pot beamed proudly as it heard the owner explain, “This vessel was broken for a purpose so that what was inside would be poured out for all that pass by to see.”  

Some of you may feel like that cracked pot…broken, useless, feeling like you’ve been cast into a corner and forgotten.  You’re not useless!  You still have purpose!  The Master is not finished with you yet!  You may still have some more ‘breaking’ to go through as He allows what is within you to be poured out so that all who pass by will be blessed by it.  Take comfort and know, you’ve been broken for a purpose!