Saturday, September 14, 2024

There Is A Way That SEEMETH Right BUT....

 “There is a way

which seemeth right unto a man, 

BUT the end thereof 

are the ways of death.”

  — Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)

“There is a way 

that seemeth right unto a man, 

BUT the end thereof 

are the ways of death.”

  — Proverbs 16:25 (KJV)

The wisest man that ever lived felt this instruction was so important that he penned it twice.

There is a way that APPEARS to be right/ok/no big deal in man's way of looking and reasoning and justifying BUT the ending result is death (physically and spiritually).

Just because it APPEARS to be right/no big deal to man does not mean it is right/no big deal to God. 

That's why it's important to SEARCH the Scriptures DAILY to see what God says about a matter (whether it's salvation, words, actions, reactions, etc).  (John 5:39 + Acts 17:11 + the entire Bible)

Are our ways right before God? In the end, He has the final say.  The instructions are in His Word (every single Scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction,  and instruction - 2 Tim 3:16).  We will not be held guiltless if we do not read and search through them DAILY.

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