Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My Poor Plant - (a comparative)

 My poor plant!

My husband bought it for me for Mother's Day.

I was diligent to take care and water it at first. 

But then...

I got busy...."I'll water it later"

But later, I forgot. 

Then, I'd remember again at some point and water it.

Unfortunately,  the same cycle of being busy and forgetting kept repeating 

Until....I realized my plant had shriveled and died.

The same happens in our spiritual walk...

We get busy...."I'll pray and read my Bible later"

But later, we forget.

At times we'll remember and take a few quick moments to pray and read a verse or two before hurrying off to do whatever we need to or are wanting to do.

Unfortunately,  that cycle of being busy, forgetting, or just wanting to do something else continues 

Until....our spiritual man has shriveled and died.

Sometimes,  a person will realize it 

Sometimes,  a person won't 

Because cares of life have choked out and become dominant over the spiritual and spending time with our First Love (Jesus)

Jesus warned the Church in Sardis that they were alive, yet they were dead.  They were alive physically but dead spiritually.  (Rev 3:1)

Don't be alive to the cares, wants, and desires of the physical flesh

While letting your spiritual man starve and die 💔

Take time,  make time,  to pray and read your Bible (God's letters to us) EVERY DAY.

Eternity is coming.  

What you do for Jesus Christ is the only thing that will matter then.


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