Sunday, September 22, 2024

Jesus is Coming Soon - Are You Ready?

For years and years people have been trying to guess and figure out exactly when Jesus is going to return. Back in the 80's, someone wrote "88 Reasons Why Jesus Will Return in '88" (obviously He didn't).

And then a FB memory popped up that it was rumored the world was going to end on Sept 23, 2017. Here we are years later and Jesus still hasn't returned. But I can assure you, that doesn't mean that He is not coming.


Jesus said in Mat 25:13 - Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.  

While no one knows the day or hour of His return. The main thing is to keep your heart right, oil in your lamp filled and burning bright (stay prayed up and full of the Holy Ghost), and keep working for God's Kingdom until He returns.

He's coming soon! Are you ready?

Have you followed Jesus' instructions in John 3 and Peter's instruction in Acts 2:38 to be Born Again of water (Baptism in Jesus name) and of Spirit (filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in another tongue)?

It's not too late.

(Fb memory 9-22-17)

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