Tuesday, September 10, 2024

That We Might Understand THY Truth

That We Might Understand THY Truth

All this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the Lord our God, that we might 

(1) turn from our iniquities, and 

(2) understand THY Truth. 

Daniel 9:13

That we might understand THY Truth

and turn from our iniquities 

To understand THY Truth

and repent (turn) from all sin

We're so quick to claim the Promises of God - what God will do for us - but how much do we SEARCH the Scriptures to see what God requires of us? 

There are 66 Books in the entire Bible. 

How much of those 66 Books are you reading?

It needs to be ALL, 

every single chapter, verse, and word.

Because whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for us to learn from. (Romans 15:4)

We need to seek for HIS Truth

Not just what we THINK is Truth

It's written in the pages of the Bible 

We need to seek to understand HIS Truth

and turn from our iniquities


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