Thursday, August 8, 2024

 Thy Word

have I hid in my heart

that I might not sin

against Thee.

Psalm 119:11

To hide God's Word in our heart:

We have to read it every day. 

Not just skim it, but really read it. 

Reading not just the parts we like and make us feel good.

But reading every word, every jot, every verse from front to back then reading it through again.  

With an open heart and open mind to hear what God is truly saying to His people.  

And memorize Scripture. 

We memorize so many things...people can remember books and songs and touch downs and scores and so much more of things that are temporal and one day will no longer matter. 

But God's Word and what it says will....forever!

So read God's Word...everyday....and hide what God is saying in your heart...

Not just the promises but also the instructions and warnings 

SO THAT we will not sin against Him.

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