Sunday, August 18, 2024

If You Don't....

If you don’t pray
If you don’t read God's Word (the Bible)
Every day
If your mind is mostly focused
on cares of this life
And very few thoughts are about the Lord
If you rarely or never go to His House (Church)
You - will - not - make - it - to - Heaven

That's not being judgmental
That's a warning cry going out to

Jesus instructed we are to
and His Righteousness
FIRST, before anything else
Put NOTHING before Him.
There is NOTHING on earth
more important than spending time
With our Savior, Jesus Christ

or the things you are making priority now
Will keep you from making Heaven your home.

Where your Treasure is
(what you make priority)
Shows where your heart is

Jesus instructed in Matthew 22:37...
Thou shalt love the LORD thy God
(with every feeling and emotions)
and with ALL THY SOUL,
(With every breath you breathe)
and with ALL THY MIND.
(In all your deep thoughts)

If God is barely in your thoughts
And rarely on your mind
You are NOT loving the Lord your God
With all your heart

Again, all this is not being judgmental
This is a warning cry going out 
Because God is not willing
that any should perish
But we MUST make God PRIORITY
or the things we are making priority now
Will keep us from making Heaven our home.

God said in Jeremiah 29:13...
And ye shall seek me, and find me,
WHEN ye shall search for me
with ALL your heart.

Don't shoot the messenger.  I'm just sharing what came to me strongly during pre-service prayer.  

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