Friday, August 16, 2024

Can God Call You His Friend?

James 2:23 - Abraham....was called the Friend of God.

How many want to be called a friend of God? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

We know God is our friend.
But what are we doing to be God's friend?

Are we calling Him often to talk to Him through prayer?

Are we reading the letters He's written to us? (The Bible)

Are we spending adequate time with Him daily or do other things absorb our attention and time?
Are we giving Him our attention?

Some friendships feel one sided where one does all the talking and the other does all the listening.
God wants to talk to us. He has things to say, too.
Are we listening, really listening, to what He has to say?

Abraham walked and talked with God everyday,  often.
And He listened to what God was saying as well.

Friendships are developed when quality time is spent together often.

If you want to be a friend of God, do what friends do.  Call Him and talk to Him more often and read His letters (the Bible) daily. 

Many want to be called a friend of God.
Can God call you His friend?

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