Tuesday, August 27, 2024





The definition of Faith means:

1.      Complete trust or confidence in someone or something. (Oxford dictionary)

2.     Firm belief in something for which there is no proof. (Merriam-webster)

Paul warned in Hebrews 11:6 – Without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Faith is important to God:

1.      We must believe in Him

2.     and believe in His ability to do anything, even the impossible, even when there is no proof.


Jesus instructed that we need to Have faith in God.  (Mark 11:22)

We find many Scriptures in the Bible where various ones were commended for their faith.…

The woman who had been sick with an issue of blood for 12 years believed that if she could just touch the lower part of Jesus’ garment, she would be made whole.  She was considered unclean and not supposed to be near anyone.  This may be why she was trying to secretly touch His robe so no one knew or saw. But Jesus knew.

Matt 9:22 – But Jesus turned Him about, and when He saw her, He said, Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.  (Mark 5:34 + Luke 8:48)

Blind Bartamaeus was so excited when he heard that Jesus was going to pass by where he was.  He didn’t want Jesus to pass him by so he began to cry out loudly, “Thou Son of David, have mercy upon me!”  People told him to be quiet, but the Bible said he cried out a great deal more.  Jesus heard his cry and healed him.

Mark 10:52 – And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way. (Luke 18:42)

Jesus hears our silent cries, but there are times when we need to cry out more and more to God.  Bartamaeus was not crying out for lack of faith.  He was crying out because he believed and would not be denied. He received his sight because of it.

Ten lepers standing far away that cried out pleading with Jesus to have mercy on them.  Jesus told them to go show theirselves to the Priest who would declare if they were now clean or still unclean. They were not clean (YET) as they began their journey to where the Priest was, but the Bible says it was AS THEY WENT (they headed there in faith) that they were cleansed.

While everyone else was rejoicing and hurrying to find the Priest, one man thanked God loudly as he hurried back to where Jesus was, falling at His feet in gratitude.  While the others received their healing, this man was healed AND made whole.

Luke 17:19 – And He said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

A crippled man in Lystra heard Paul preaching and was healed because he believed that Jesus was able to heal him. 

Acts 14:9-10 – The same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on thy feet.” And he leaped and walked.

Sometimes, our faith can touch God and make a difference for someone else…

A woman from Canaan had heard about all Jesus was doing.  She was desperate for her daughter to be delivered from devil possession.  She was considered a heathen and endured being called a dog by the One she was desperately pleading help from.  Many would have turned away after being insulted like that, but she believed and would not be denied. She humbled herself acknowledging what Jesus said was true, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the Master’s table.  She was asking for just a crumb and Jesus gave her more…

Matt 15:28 – Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, GREAT IS THY FAITH: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.

Thankfully, we are children of the King and can receive if we ask in faith believing. We can stand and claim the Promises in Scripture.  

But I have to ask myself: Would I be able to humble myself and take what many would call ‘verbal abuse’ in order to see my loved one receive a miracle or deliverance? Or would I walk away indignant and embarrassed? 

Many are bound, oppressed, and even possessed yet most don’t recognize it. It’s labeled as something else. Don’t give up praying and interceding and fasting and believing we WILL see our loved ones delivered and set free from the devil’s hold!

Jesus marvelled at the faith of the Centurion who believed that Jesus did not have to come to his home in order to heal his servant who was tormented from palsy.  Jesus was willing to go, but the Centurion felt unworthy to have Jesus enter his home. He told Jesus he knew that if Jesus would just speak the word only, his servant would be healed.

Matt 8:10 – When Jesus heard it, He marvelled and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.  (Luke 7:9)

That is great faith!

Another man who was sick with Palsy could not get to Jesus so his friends brought him to Jesus.  Their faith touched Jesus’ heart and the man was made whole.

Matt 9:2 – And behold, they brought to Him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.

I’m unsure if this is the same man as mentioned in Matthew 9:2, but Mark records this man’s friends as tearing the roof off to get him to Jesus. 

Mark 2:5 – When Jesus saw their faith, He said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.  (Luke 5:20)

All these things were recorded for our learning.  We, too, can tear the roof off through our prayers to get others to Jesus.  We do this by quoting God’s promises in Scripture: “God, Your Word PROMISES_____________!”  “God, You said in Your Word____________!”  “You did it before; I believe You’ll do it again!” 

A blind man received his sight because of Peter’s had faith for his healing….

Acts 3:16 – And His name through FAITH in His name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the FAITH which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

Jesus wants us to believe!  He wants us to take Him at His Word!  Whether for ourselves or for others.


It’s easy to believe when we can see evidence or a glimpse of the possibility of something happening, but sometimes our faith is tried. 

Peter wrote in 1 Peter 1:7…

being much more precious than of gold that perisheth,
though it be tried with fire,
at the appearing of Jesus Christ.

Our faith can be tried when a situation or sickness arises where the outcome looks bleak and hopeless or we’re expected to believe for the impossible.

Abraham had to believe for the impossible.  He was 75 years old (his wife, Sarai, was 65 years old) when God told him that unto his seed (his descendants) God would give the land of Canaan. (Gen 12:1-7) 

Abraham had no idea how that was going to be possible since they did not have any children and were well up in age, but Abraham trusted that what God had promised would come to pass somehow and someway.

Time passed and Abraham and Sarah still didn’t have a child. The Bible does not say how much later, but Abraham, Sarah, and Lot had spent time in Egypt because of a famine then departed; Abraham and Lot’s herds were growing and causing strife so they parted ways; Lot moved toward Sodom and over time moved into Sodom; a war took place and Lot and his family were taken captive; Abraham fought and defeated several kings and their armies to free Lot and everyone taken captive (pretty commendable for a man his age); he met with Melchizedek; then returned back home.  

God appeared again to confirm His promise to Abraham.  Abraham still believed God but questioned whether the promise would be fulfilled through his servant Eliezer since they were childless and well up in age. God again affirmed that he would have a child of his own.  Abraham believed God and the Lord counted it to him for righteousness. (Gen 15:6)

Abraham and Sarah began to question God’s method. He was now 85 and Sarah was 75. At 65, there may have been a glimmer of hope that perhaps she could have a child, but the age of 75 seemed beyond all probability for Sarah.

They had picked up a servant for Sarah while in Egypt. Sarah began to ponder if perhaps the promise of a child would come through her servant, Hagar. So, Sarah vocalized her thoughts to Abraham.  They tried to make God’s promise come to pass in their own way and ended up with Ishmael. (Gen 16) 

Sometimes, we can create more problems when we try to take matters into our own hands and bring God’s promises to pass in the way they think they should. 

At 90 and 100 years of age, God fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah blessing them with Isaac. Sometimes, God is waiting until it is completely impossible to man before He moves so that He can get the full glory out of it.  

Romans 4:9, 19-20 - …for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. ….And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sara’s womb.  He STAGGERED NOT AT THE PROMISE OF GOD THROUGH UNBELIEF; but was STRONG IN FAITH, giving glory to God.

Abraham never wavered at the Promise of God.  He faltered in HOW it would come about. God was merciful and still fulfilled His covenant to Abraham.  If God gave you a promise, stand on it, be still, and wait patiently on Him. 


Jesus grieved over lack of faith as He asked, “… Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

Jesus taught that we do not have to worry about what we will eat or drink or wear.  He PROMISED: Wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? (Matt 6:30 + Luke 12:28)

Jesus acknowledged they had a little faith, but there were times and areas where their faith lacked.  God knows what we have need of.  When we’ve done our part and yet it is not enough, pray in faith then trust God to provide. (Mt 6:31-32)

However, Jesus added a clause to that promise (for every promise, God requires something from us first).  He instructed, “SEEK YE FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Mt 6:33)

If we’re putting God FIRST, then we can be assured God is taking care of the rest.  He knows and He sees.

Jesus and His disciples entered a ship.  Jesus went to sleep and appeared to be sleeping through a great storm that everyone thought was about to take the ship under. Franticly, they woke Jesus up.  They had not learned to trust Him fully.

Jesus rebuked them as He asked, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then He arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. (Matt 8:26) Mark 4:40 – And He said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?  Luke 8:25 says He asked them, “Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! For He commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey Him.”

We worry about so many things when Jesus wants us to learn to trust Him. 

Sometimes Jesus will allow storms to come our way – He’ll even send us in the direction of a storm to teach us to trust Him fully.

He sent the Disciples out on a boat while He went into a mountain to pray alone.  Jesus knew the storm was coming their way.  He SAW them toiling and rowing. (Mk 6:48)  Jesus knew the storm was difficult for them.

In HIS time, Jesus came walking toward them on the water and was going to keep walking on by. The Disciples became more afraid thinking it was a ghost.  Jesus calmly told them, “Be of good cheer: It is I; be not afraid.” Jesus was still trying to teach them to trust.

Peter’s faith soared.  They had just witnessed the miracle of the loaves and fishes and now see Jesus walking on water.  Peter believed he could to if Jesus bid him to come.  As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, he was able to walk on water, too, but the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and began focusing on the storm and the impossibility of what he was doing, fear set in and he began to sink.

Jesus didn’t let him drown, but He did rebuke him for doubting….

Matt 14:31 – And immediately Jesus stretched forth His hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

Jesus often rebuked His disciples because they would forget the miracles and would doubt in their hearts….

Matt 16:8 – Which when Jesus perceived, He said unto them, O ye of little faith

A man brought his lunatic (crazy) son to the Disciples, but they were unable to cure him.  The young man would sometimes fall into the fire and other times into the water.  The dad knew this was a life or death situation as he pleaded with Jesus for mercy.  Jesus rebuked the Disciples for lack of faith….

Matt 17:17 – Then Jesus answered and said, O FAITHLESS and perverse (morally corrupt) generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him hither to Me. (Mark 9:19 + Luke 9:41)

Going back to the story of the woman whom Jesus called a dog – could we handle it humbly and receive correction if Jesus rebuked us and called us faithless and morally corrupt?

When our faith waivers, we need to cry out, “Lord, increase my faith!” as the Apostles did. (Luke 17:5) But know that can come through more testing of our faith.

Paul wrote to encourage the Corinthian church, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor 5:7)

Our walk with Jesus will more often than not be based on what we believe is possible than what we visibly see with our eyes.

Jesus explained that sometimes prayers are not answered and we do not see miracles as we should BECAUSE OF OUR UNBELIEF.  But if we have even a little mustard seed faith, we can see the impossible become the possible….

Matt 17:20 – And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as the grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Matt 21:21 – Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.

Luke 17:6 – And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.

Even a little seed of faith, can allow us to see the miraculous!

In some instances, Jesus will answer according to how much we believe for it – “According to your faith be it unto you.” (Matt 9:29) 

That’s why we need to pray daily as the apostles asked of Jesus, “Lord, Increase our faith.” (Luke 17:5)

Sometimes we may have faith and yet the prayer is not answered. We question why??? We need to pray in faith.  We need to believe. But in the end submit our will to God as we pray, “Thy will be done.” (1 John 5:14 + Rom 8:27)


Stephen is remembered as being a man FULL of two things: FAITH and the HOLY GHOST.  Because of it, God was able to work many wonders and miracles through him.

Act 6:5,8 – And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and thy chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost…And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people.

Acts 11:24 – For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.

We need both.  The more we pray and stay FULL of the Holy Ghost, the more faith we will have and the more we will see the miraculous.

Faith is a fruit of the Spirit and a gift of the Spirit, but the Bible also lets us know that God has given each of us a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3 + 1 Cor 12:9 + Gal 5:22) It’s up to us to build on it and allow our faith to increase.

How can we build our faith?

Romans 10:17 teaches – So then FAITH cometh by HEARING, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD.

Our faith is built when we hear miracles recorded in the Word of God.  Hearing the preached Word is important.  It is also built as we listen to testimonies from others of what God has done for them and through them as well as recalling all that God has done for us.

Faith is an important piece of the Armor of God.

Eph 6:16 – Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

Paul wrote ABOVE ALL take up the shield of Faith.  It is FAITH, believing God IN ALL things and FOR ALL things, that will quench the fiery darts of the wicked.

And it is FAITH that helps us to please God – for without FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God.

How much or how little 

you pray and read your Bible 

Will have an impact on

How much or how little you understand 

Of God's Word and God's ways

Saturday, August 24, 2024

What Are You Savoring More?

What Are You Savoring More?

So many are wrapped up, tied up and busy doing man's work - - - but not God's. 

So many are quick to try to sell you on their product or business - - - but yet are hesitant to or won't mention Jesus or the Bible.

So many, too many are so quick to talk about, post about, and like so many things - - - except the things about Jesus.  

So many will try to convince and even COMPEL you on so many things:  "come on! You HAVE to go (name of place or destination)!" or

"you HAVE TO TRY this!" Especially if they mention a favorite food.

and on it goes - - - but yet are embarrassed and afraid to invite someone to come to Church. 

Jesus rebuked Peter in Matthew 16:23 - thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of man.

Savourest = regard; interest oneself in; be like minded with; be of the same mind

What are you savoring (interesting yourself in) more? 

The things of God?

Or the things of man?

Fellow Christian,  we're running out of time.   Jesus is coming soon.  

We must interest ourselves in the things of God more than the things of this world.

We must have the same mind as Christ and be about the Father's business.  We must reach for the lost before it's too late.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024





What is an ‘altar’? It is usually a raised structure or place on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship. (Merriam-webster)

The Hebrew word for ‘altar’ is ‘mizbeah’ meaning ‘to slaughter’. 

The altar is a place where something is offered to God.  It is a place of worship.

The first mention of someone building an altar in the Bible is found in Genesis 8…

Noah, his family, and the animals had spent a wearisome year inside the Ark where all they could see day after day if they were able to look out was endless miles of water.  

No dry land was could be seen until the waters finally began to abate. The Ark touched land at last, but it sounds like they may have still spent another 2 months inside the Ark as they waited for the ground to dry out after being saturated with flood waters for so long. (Gen 8:13-14)

By this time, everyone and the animals were most likely all anxious to exit the Ark and be able to move around freely as before. The first thing the Bible records Noah doing after he, his family, and the animals exited the Ark was to build an altar to the LORD. (Gen 8:20) 


Generations passed and Abram was born.  Abram was a friend of God for he walked and talked with God often.  God told Abram to leave his homeplace, leave his relatives, and leave his father’s house and go wherever God leads him.

Although he was 75 years old and childless, God promised that his descendants would become a great nation and that his name would become great.  God promised Abram that he would be a blessing, and that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed.  

Abram obeyed God and began to wander wherever God led. He came to the land of Canaan unto the plain of Moreh.  The LORD again appeared to Abram and promised to give him and his descendants the land where he was standing.

Abram had a lot of faith and trust in God because God was giving him a promise concerning his children and grandchildren which he did not have at that time.   It’s one thing to believe a promise concerning children and grandchildren when you’re young or even middle age.  But Abraham believed God although he was 75 years young and it was accounted to him for righteousness. (James 2:23)

The first thing Abram did after God promised to give him the land and future generations was to build and altar unto the Lord who appeared unto him. (Gen 12:7)

Abram then moved from that place of Promise to a mountain on the east of Bethel, pitched his tent and there he built an altar unto the Lord and called upon the name of the Lord. (Gen 12:8)


When God told Abram to leave his kindred, he did not fully obey.  He brought his nephew lot with him.  A severe famine came upon the land where they were currently dwelling so Abram, Sarai, and Lot went down to Egypt. 

Egypt is a typology of the world – Abram nearly got himself and his poor wife Sarai in trouble while there, but the LORD had mercy and protected them. Pharoah asked them to leave so they left Egypt (the world) and returned to the place of the altar, which he had made there at the first: (he returned to his early altar) and there Abram called on the name of the Lord. (Gen 13:1-4)

Everywhere Abram moved, he built and altar…

He moved to the plain of Mamre and built there an altar unto the Lord. (Gen 13:18)

Abram was now 99 years old when God again confirmed His promise to give Abram and Sarai a son. At 99 years old, God changed his name to Abraham promising that he would be a father of many nations. God also changed Sarai’s name to Sarah, for she also would be blessed and become the mother of many nations even though she was now 90. (Gen 17)

Abraham could not have had such great faith to believe and trust that what God said He will surely do, regardless of how impossible it may appear to man’s eyes and reasoning, if he had not had a daily walk with God.

Isaac was born to Abraham when he was 100 and Sarah was 91 – who would have thought that would be possible? But God! Isaac grew (it is believed by this time he was in his late 20’s or mid to upper 30’s) when God again came to test Abraham’s faith as He commanded Abraham to offer Isaac (God calls him his only son) as a burnt offering.

It was a very hard task that God was asking Abraham to perform, yet Abraham stood upon the Promise of God that what He had promised, He would fulfill.  He had worked the impossible before. He would do it again! 

So, Abraham was willing to offer Isaac as a sacrifice upon an altar – believing God had promised and would fulfill.  He had to walk by faith at that moment, not by what man can see or comprehend. (Gen 22:9) Because Abraham and Isaac were both obedient to God’s command (Isaac didn’t fight it), God spared Isaac.  Abraham called that place Jehovahjireh (meaning: the LORD will see/the LORD will provide).

Isaac learned from his father, Abraham, to build an altar to the LORD. (Gen 26:25)

Jacob learned from his father, Isaac, to build an altar to the LORD and called it Elelohe-Israel (meaning: the mighty God of Israel). (Gen 33:20)

God told Jacob to return to Bethel (the place of his grandfather’s early altar) and there he was to build an altar unto God as well. (Gen 35) He called it Elbethel (meaning: the God of Bethel). (vs 7)

Jacob couldn’t go off his Daddy’s, his Mommy’s, or his Granddaddy’s altars (walk with God) – He had to have one for himself.  It’s the same for us – we have to get a walk with God for ourselves.

Moses built an altar and called it Jehovahnissi (meaning: the LORD is my banner). (Ex 17:15)  Moses learned to walk with God from his mother, but  he still had to get a walk with God for himself.   Sometimes it takes a wilderness experience to get us to where God can use us in the capacity He desires to.

Later, God gave Moses instructions concerning building an altar of earth to sacrifice burnt offerings upon. (Ex 20:22-26)

Joshua built an altar (Josh 8:30) and later built a GREAT altar (Josh 22:10).

Gideon built an altar called Jehovahshalom (meaning: the LORD is Peace) – Jud 6:24.

Samuel, the Prophet, built an altar to the Lord in Ramah, the place where he dwelt and judged Israel – 1 Samuel 7:17.


The children of Reuben and the children of Gad built an altar which they called Ed as a witness between them that the LORD is God. (Josh 22:34)

Sometimes you need to build an altar to remind yourself that the Lord is God!  There is nothing He cannot do!


When calamity happens to us or around us, the place we need to run is to the Altar.  Sometimes it’s our prayers and our worship that can change situations for others, not just ourself…

David purchased a threshingfloor from a man named Araunah, a Jebusite, to build an altar to the LORD and offer sacrifice in an effort of worship to the LORD so that He would stop the plague that was killing many in Israel.  In response, the LORD was intreated and stopped the plague. (2 Sam 24:18-25)


An angel appeared to Samson’s mother and father (who were childless) before he was conceived to deliver the promise that they would soon have a son.  They were unaware that it was an angel. They thought they were possibly talking to a prophet/a man of God as the angel gave them special instructions concerning what the mother and the child were allowed to consume, not consume, or do. 

After the angel finished giving the instructions Manoah offered a sacrifice to God upon a rock which he used as an altar.   As the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, the angel of the LORD ascended up in the flame off the altar. This is when Manoah finally realized the message was delivered by the angel of the LORD. (Jud 13:20-21)

Sometimes it takes an altar and a sacrifice before God opens our eyes to see the supernatural.


Balaam was hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel.  He instructed Balak, the king, to build 7 altars and offer sacrifices upon them to see if God would come meet and talk with him. 

God did meet him and instructed him that he was not to curse anyone that He has not cursed. Nor was he to defy God’s people whom He had not defied.  (Num23)  He did not have to offer a sacrifice to know that God would not curse the nation of Israel whom He had promised to bless.


Many do not realize they have altars built in their heart that are worshipping the wrong things such as:

Work – they won’t miss work yet they will easily miss Church.  Often this goes hand and hand with money.
Money – seeking and chasing after riches.  Or perhaps not trying to get rich, but working more and attending Church less so they can get money to pay bills or buy a nicer car or bigger house rather than seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.  God promised if we do, the rest will be provided.
Fame – trying to become popular and well known; striving to obtain ‘stardom’
God is not a priority – other things are. Prayer and Bible reading are slacking and maybe even shelved because they’re too busy with other things that they ‘have to get done!’ or maybe just want to do. Whatever a person makes a priority above God, above spending time with Him, will keep that person out of heaven.

These are altars built where worship is made to other things whether they realize it or not. 

God warned to have no other gods before Him – that is anything that is made a priority or deemed more important than time spent with Him.

We all need to be careful and watch that we are not making relationships more important than time spent with God. We need to be careful that we do not spend more time fellowshipping with each other than we spend fellowshipping with God.  He is a jealous God.  

And there are altars of distraction that need to be destroyed.

Ex 34:12 – 17, Dt 7:5, 12:3, Judges 2:2, 6:25-28





God warned in Dt 16:21-22 not to place anything that might be worshipped near to the altar.  This is anything that might distract or draw you away from your time spent in prayer and Bible reading. NOTHING should be placed on top of our Bibles – it is God’s Holy Word and should be reverenced.


God gave Moses specific instructions for building the Tabernacle and the articles that were to be placed within and without. Where each article of furniture was to be placed was important in how the priests and Levites were to minister before the Lord.

There was only one of each piece of furniture EXCEPT there were TWO ALTARS. 

The first thing that everyone would see as they entered the outer court was the BRAZEN ALTAR (also known as the Altar of Burnt Offering - Ex 39:39, 40:6).  The Brazen Altar was the largest piece of furniture.  It is where the sacrifices were offered to make atonement for the people’s sins.

The Brazen Altar is symbolic as a place of repentance.  We need to have an altar built (a place of repentance) that we go to every day: repenting of every wrong thought, every wrong word spoken, every wrong feeling, every wrong action, rebellion, hate, unforgiveness, fear, worry, anxiety, and so on.  


Next was the Laver of Water where the ministers washed.  The Ministers were to wash and be clean inside and out before they could come near any of the altars to minister. (Ex 30:20) 

Inside the Holy Place, just before the Holiest of Holies was the GOLDEN ALTAR (also known as the Altar of Incense - Ex 39:38, 40:5) which represented the prayers of God’s people.  It was a place of intercession.  The incense/the prayers would come up before God as a sweet smell.

It is the coals from the Brazen Altar (Sacrifice & Repentance) that ignites the Fire on the Altar of Incense (Prayers and intercession). (Lev 16:11-13)




The enemy invaded the land of Israel.  They attacked and tore down the walls of protection.  They invaded and destroyed the altar (place of repentance and sacrifice) and the Temple (Place of worship). They destroyed or stole the things within: the Altar of Incense (Prayers/Intercession); the Table of Shewbread (representing Bible Reading/our DAILY Bread); the Golden Candlestick (representing the Light of God’s presence and the oil of the Holy Ghost).

The fire that was to be forever burning went out.  The light from the candlestick went out. The fire on the altar of incense went out.  The bread was no longer available to feed body or soul.  

Sometimes, things happen in our lives which cause the fires that were once burning brightly to dim and barely flicker. Maybe even go out.

Sometimes it feels like an onslaught from the enemy and other times, he’ll attack in subtle ways sending busyness and distractions to make sure the altar that once upon a time was visited frequently and loving care was given to maintain may now feel like it’s in disrepair. Maybe even destroyed.  The fire is barely flickering.  Perhaps it feels like it has gone out.

The enemy of our soul will attack and distract any way he can to try to keep us from praying, distract us from visiting the altars and offering up our sacrifices of praise or humbling our knees in repentance. 

The enemy of our soul will make sure things keep us from visiting the Table of Shewbread and feasting from the Bread of Life (Bible reading).  

Remember your early altars. 

Is the fire blazing brightly on them? Daily?

Are you daily offering up prayers of repentance as well as prayers of praise, worship, and intercession?

Are you daily feasting from God’s Word?

Are you daily praying in the Holy Ghost and letting His light shine brightly through you?

If not, it’s time to rebuild and repair our altars. 

It’s time to stoke and stir up the fire of the Holy Ghost within us. Get it blazing and burning brightly.

It’s time to rebuild and repair the Temple of the Holy Ghost and make it a place of worship and prayer once again.  We are the Temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor 6:19). 

Are we a place that God is pleased to dwell or is there too much clutter and sin in our lives to make Him feel comfortable and welcome?

Just as they rose up long ago to rebuild the altar of the God of Israel after the enemy had destroyed them, God is calling us to rebuild the Altars in our lives and NEVER let the fire go out. (Ezra 3:2)

Sunday, August 18, 2024

If You Don't....

If you don’t pray
If you don’t read God's Word (the Bible)
Every day
If your mind is mostly focused
on cares of this life
And very few thoughts are about the Lord
If you rarely or never go to His House (Church)
You - will - not - make - it - to - Heaven

That's not being judgmental
That's a warning cry going out to

Jesus instructed we are to
and His Righteousness
FIRST, before anything else
Put NOTHING before Him.
There is NOTHING on earth
more important than spending time
With our Savior, Jesus Christ

or the things you are making priority now
Will keep you from making Heaven your home.

Where your Treasure is
(what you make priority)
Shows where your heart is

Jesus instructed in Matthew 22:37...
Thou shalt love the LORD thy God
(with every feeling and emotions)
and with ALL THY SOUL,
(With every breath you breathe)
and with ALL THY MIND.
(In all your deep thoughts)

If God is barely in your thoughts
And rarely on your mind
You are NOT loving the Lord your God
With all your heart

Again, all this is not being judgmental
This is a warning cry going out 
Because God is not willing
that any should perish
But we MUST make God PRIORITY
or the things we are making priority now
Will keep us from making Heaven our home.

God said in Jeremiah 29:13...
And ye shall seek me, and find me,
WHEN ye shall search for me
with ALL your heart.

Don't shoot the messenger.  I'm just sharing what came to me strongly during pre-service prayer.  

Friday, August 16, 2024

Can God Call You His Friend?

James 2:23 - Abraham....was called the Friend of God.

How many want to be called a friend of God? 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

We know God is our friend.
But what are we doing to be God's friend?

Are we calling Him often to talk to Him through prayer?

Are we reading the letters He's written to us? (The Bible)

Are we spending adequate time with Him daily or do other things absorb our attention and time?
Are we giving Him our attention?

Some friendships feel one sided where one does all the talking and the other does all the listening.
God wants to talk to us. He has things to say, too.
Are we listening, really listening, to what He has to say?

Abraham walked and talked with God everyday,  often.
And He listened to what God was saying as well.

Friendships are developed when quality time is spent together often.

If you want to be a friend of God, do what friends do.  Call Him and talk to Him more often and read His letters (the Bible) daily. 

Many want to be called a friend of God.
Can God call you His friend?

Thursday, August 8, 2024

 Thy Word

have I hid in my heart

that I might not sin

against Thee.

Psalm 119:11

To hide God's Word in our heart:

We have to read it every day. 

Not just skim it, but really read it. 

Reading not just the parts we like and make us feel good.

But reading every word, every jot, every verse from front to back then reading it through again.  

With an open heart and open mind to hear what God is truly saying to His people.  

And memorize Scripture. 

We memorize so many things...people can remember books and songs and touch downs and scores and so much more of things that are temporal and one day will no longer matter. 

But God's Word and what it says will....forever!

So read God's Word...everyday....and hide what God is saying in your heart...

Not just the promises but also the instructions and warnings 

SO THAT we will not sin against Him.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



As we get older (and sometimes even for those who are younger), it’s necessary and good to get a heart checkup.  There could be underlying problems that we’re completely unaware of until something serious alerts us to an issue such as a stroke or heart attack.

Too often, people ignore the warning signs until it’s too late. Early detection can help to get any problems under control before it becomes fatal. There are several tests which doctors may do to help determine how the heart is functioning or reveal if there are any problems.

Your doctor may order an EKG (echocardiogram) to determine if a valve is narrowed or leaking.  Or the doctor may order a stress test to reveal how your heart responds to physical activity and whether any heart disease symptoms occur during exercise.

A cardiac catheterization can show if there are any blockages in the heart arteries.  A heart CT scan will take images by which the doctor can see what’s in your heart more clearly. An MRI (heart magnetic resonance imaging) will reveal even more detailed images of the heart.

These tests help the doctor to see and determine if there are any symptoms or problems that they need to be concerned about and how to best treat or remedy them.  If left untreated or a person does not respond well to treatment, it will eventually lead to death.

Parallel that to the spiritual:

In the same way, it’s necessary to often examine the spiritual condition of our heart to see what’s in it. When a problem is discovered, if left untreated or if we do not respond well to treatment, it will eventually lead to spiritual death.



Those words woke me out of my sleep on Oct 3, 2022.  Those loud and clear words of warning were not just for me – they are a cry warning all of us to look deep inside and examine our hearts to make sure they are clear of any spiritual heart disease or problems.

It’s easy to look and think there is nothing in our hearts, but a “stress test” can reveal things we may not have realized were hidden deep inside. 

Jeremiah wrote in Jer 17:9…

The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Sometimes, we don’t know what’s truly in our heart until a test or trial comes our way, then all of a sudden something comes to the surface that we didn’t realize was there.  Trials and tests can reveal symptoms showing a problem is there that needs to be treated before it becomes worse or fatal.

Cain is an example of one whose heart was not right.

Cain was the first recorded being born to Adam and Eve after sin entered the world.  Mankind now knew right versus wrong and good versus evil.  Cain grew up to become a gardener, tilling and working with the ground, while his younger brother, Abel, grew to become a keeper of sheep.

Perhaps it was a custom that Cain and Abel learned from their parents, but after some time had passed, they each brought an offering to the Lord.  Cain brought of the fruit of the ground while Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof.

For some reason, God accepted Abel’s but rejected Cain’s. There is much speculation as to why it happened this way…

Perhaps it was symbolic of God rejected Adam and Eve’s fig leaf covering then clothing them with a coat made of animal skin?

We do know that God accepts offerings from the firstfruits of the crops (Lev 2:1-2,12 + Num 18:12 + Ex 23:19, 34:26) but perhaps Cain tried to offer them as a burnt offering when they were only to be brought, not burnt upon the altar? Or perhaps Cain did not try to burn them yet God was requiring a burnt sacrifice as an offering? 

All these are speculations because the Bible does not give detailed explanation as to what transpired.  Perhaps Cain did everything right just as Abel did, yet God rejected his offering. 

Why did God accept Abel’s sacrifice yet reject Cain’s?  The Bible reveals it was because his heart was not right…

1 John 3:12 – Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil and his brother’s righteous.

Cain’s works were evil.  He had sin in his heart.  When he was corrected by God, rather than repent, humble himself, and change his ways to do what was pleasing to God, he became angry, hardened his heart and let hatred toward his innocent brother Abel brew within him.

Jealousy is cruel as the grave and his jealousy over God accepting Abel’s sacrifice led to Abel being in a grave before his time. (Song of Solomon 8:6)  Jealousy led to anger; anger led to hatred; and hatred led to murder.

Then, he tried to cover it all up and act innocent when God asked Cain, “Where is Abel thy brother?”  Rather than confess and repent, Cain arrogantly lied as he replied, “I know not: am I my brother’s keeper?”

Cain’s actions over and over revealed that his heart was not right. 



Jesus taught in Matthew 15:19

For out of the heart proceed
evil thoughts, (wicked thinking - thoughts often lead to actions such as…)
murders, (hate, anger, violence)
adulteries, fornications, (lust, sexual immorality)
thefts (greed, covetousness, stealing),
false witness (lying about someone),
blasphemies (slander; it is vilification against God or others)

And again in Mark 7:21-22

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed:
evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
thefts, covetousness (which come from greed and envy),
wickedness, (plots, malice, sins)
deceit (trickery, lies),
lasciviousness (unbridled lust),
an evil eye, (tricky side-glance given with wickedness in mind)
blasphemy (slander; vilification against God or others),
pride (haughtiness, arrogance),
foolishness; (refuses to listen to wisdom or learn from discipline)

It is out of the heart that these things proceed and are manifested. 

Heart check: Are any of these things in my heart?

Maybe you passed that test, but just as a doctor may order another test to see if it reveals something that the first test did not show, we need to examine our heart further….

The Thoughts of Men’s Hearts….

Let’s examine what we think on.  What do our thoughts reveal? What we think about often or most reflects what is in our heart.

Prov 23:7 teaches - As he thinketh in his heart, so is he…

God looked upon mankind after a span of time and found that every imagination of the thoughts of men’s hearts were only evil continually. (Gen 6:5)

Unfortunately, people do gravitate to and love darkness (things that are sinful) more than light (things that are upright) because their deeds are evil. (Jn 3:19)

But even if a person does not love evil, sometimes the biggest battles take place in the mind. 

Have you ever been sitting in Church while the preacher is preaching yet your mind has wandered off somewhere else.  Same happens when you are trying to read your Bible or pray.  The mind becomes distracted rather than thinking on the Lord.

Philippians 4:8 admonishes us what to focus the mind on…things that are true, things that are honest, things that are just (righteous), things that are pure, things that are lovely (meaning friendly towards), and things that are of a good report (well spoken of).

Think on good things because 1 Chron 28:9 reveals …the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts…

God knows what we’re thinking about and He’s searching our hearts.

Heart check: Are the things we are thinking about pleasing to God or things that grieve His heart?

Let’s keep digging deeper and do another heart check…

Mine Eye Affecteth My Heart…

What we allow our eyes to look at, read, or watch can and will affect our heart. (Lam 3:51)  This is why we need to be selective and careful as to what we watch, what we click on while browsing the internet, what we read, and what we look at. 

And what our children or grandchildren watch and look at. Things that are supposed to be ‘kid friendly’ are no longer ‘kid friendly’.  We are responsible to help direct and protect their young impressionable minds and hearts.  

There are times when we may not be able to help or to stop what may pass before our eyes, but we are in control of what we continue to allow our eyes to look at.

O Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear…

The same with our ears – what we allow our ears to listen to can and will affect our heart.

The old saying is true: Garbage in, garbage out.

What you let your eyes dwell on and what you allow your ears to hear will affect your heart and eventually begin to be manifest in your life because what is in the heart will eventually come to the surface either through words or actions.

Let’s dig further with another test to check our hearts….

Out of the Abundance of the Heart the Mouth Speaketh

Things that are in the heart will often be revealed through what comes forth out of the mouth…

Jesus revealed in Matthew 12:34 - …out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

And Matthew 15:18 – But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

Our words can defile us?  Yes, according to Jesus they can.

Jesus said we are going to have to give account for every idle word that we speak in the day of judgment. (Mt 12:36) It is by our words that we’ll either be justified (rendered innocent) or condemned (pronounced guilty). (Mt 12:37)

Makes you really stop and think “what am I talking about?” like Bro Gregory taught on last Wednesday night. 

Are my 16,000 words per day pleasing or displeasing to God?

One of the greatest struggles Christians battle is the tongue. If you watch and observe, you will find much of the trouble, strife, and divisions that arise in churches comes from people’s mouths.  

Even Paul wrote a letter to the church in Corinth admonishing against things he was afraid they were struggling with: debating (quarreling), envy, wrath (breathing hard in anger toward another), strifes (contentions between each other), backbiting (defaming and speaking evil against another), whispering (slandering others secretly), swellings (haughty and lifted up in pride), as well as tumults arising (meaning agitation and confusion causing disorder and instability – basically someone(s) was sowing discord and division amongst the brethren which is an abomination to God). (2 Cor 12:20 + Prov 6:16-19)

The book of James contains many verses concerning the tongue – one of which is a strong warning to everyone who professes to be a Christian… “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man religion is in vain. (James 1:26)

Meaning: A person may appear to be religious but if they can’t control their tongue, they are deceiving their self if they think they are ok before God.  They are not and their religion (their worship) profits them nothing.  There is a heart problem.

James 3:8-10 – But the tongue can no man tame (that’s why we need the Holy Ghost); it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.  Therewith bless we God…and therewith curse we men…Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”

James 3:6 – The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on the fire of hell.

David wisely penned, “I will take heed to my ways that I sin not with my tongue.” (Ps 39:1)

We know there is a heart problem with those who cuss or speak vulgar.

We know there is a heart problem with someone who is angry, violent, and throws fits often.

We know that if a person is argumentative, often quarreling, or fighting with others – it reveals that there is a problem in the heart.

But also…

If a person struggles with gossip – it is revealing there is a problem in the heart.

If a person backbites (speaks evil against another) or whispers (slanders others secretly) against another – it reveals there is a problem in the heart.

If a person is sowing discord among the brethren (especially if they are causing others to rebel against or think bad toward the pastor) – it reveals that there is a problem in the heart.

Heart check: Are my words revealing that there is a problem with my heart?

The Bible makes reference to many types of hearts.  Some are good revealing the heart is upright before God; some are not good revealing there are problems in the heart. 

You know what the great thing about King David was?  He wasn’t a perfect man but he would acknowledge his sins and then sincerely repent of them.

He prayed in Psalm 19:14 – Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer.

It is good to often search our own hearts.  Really search, thoroughly digging and looking deep within.

But unfortunately, sometimes, we may not see within ourself that there is a disease forming in our heart - just as King David did not see the issues in his own heart until Nathan the prophet brought them out into the open when he proclaimed, “Thou art the man!” (2 Sam 7)

There are times when God will use the Pastor, Preacher, or teacher to reveal through the preached Word what we may not see or acknowledge is deep within our hearts. 

Because: the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, yet sometimes we may not even realize what is in our own heart. (Jer 17:9)  Therefore, we need to ask God to search our hearts and examine our minds often. (Jer 27:10) 

Because things left untreated in the heart, can lead to death physically and spiritually, a good prayer to pray is one that David also prayed: Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting. (Ps 139:23-24) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps 51:10)   

If our heart is not right, we will not make it 💔