Monday, July 1, 2024

David was lamenting and crying out to God for help in Psalm 77.  He was so troubled,  he could not speak (vs 4) and could not find comfort (vs 2). UNTIL he began to remember and think on the mighty things God had done in the past (vs 10-12).

He gave himself a pep talk....
"I WILL REMEMBER  the years of the right hand of the Most High."
"I WILL REMEMBER the works of the Lord."
"I WILL REMEMBER Thy wonders of old."
"I WILL MEDITATE (think about) also of all Thy work"
"AND TALK of Thy doings."

Then David began to worship (vs 13-20)

In tough times, remember and think on all the things God has done in the past.
Testify and talk about all He's done and is doing.  
Then begin to worship. 
See how the atmosphere changes.
Feel the heaviness lift as we glorify God more than our problems. 

At times,  we focus too much on the
"woe is me" more than the "great is He!"
We need to reverse that way of thinking.

🎶 It is no secret what God can do.  What He's done for others,  He'll do for you.... 🎶

Furst posted to fb Mar 6, 2023

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