Tuesday, June 18, 2024

REBUILDING THE WALLS - A study on the Book of Nehemiah




Nehemiah was one of the many Israelites taken and held captive in Babylon. Somehow and at some point, Nehemiah was appointed to serve in the palace of the king.  When Babylon invaded Israel, they took many captive back to Babylon to serve in their realm while a few Jews were left in Jerusalem after the siege.

One day, his brother, Hanani, and a few other men who were left in the region of Judah came to Sushan the palace. Nehemiah describes his brother, Hanani, as a faithful man who feared God more than most did. (Neh 7:2)  Many in his day did not fear God as they should.  They sinned openly and rebelliously against God’s laws believing God either didn’t see or care.  It was their sins which brought them into captivity to their enemy.   

Nehemiah was concerned about those who were left in Jerusalem and asked Hanani and the other men how they were doing. Sadly, they did not have a good report to bring.  Nehemiah began to weep and mourn as he heard that the walls were broken down and the gates had been burned leaving the people and place vulnerable to wild animals and thieves.  Their protection was gone.

Rather than give up and give in to the thought that there is no hope, Nehemiah began to fast and to pray for several days for Jerusalem. He began to remind God that He is a covenant keeping God who shows mercy to those who love Him and keep His commandments. (Neh 1:4-5) 

Nehemiah began to ask God to hear and to see their affliction as he confessed the sins of all the people. Nehemiah was an intercessor. He stood in the gap repenting for those who were not repenting and pleading for God’s mercies.

Job did the same for his children – repenting for his children in case they were sinning. While each individual must stand before God and give account for their own sins, our prayers of intercession for our family, our children, those within our church may make a difference and bring about a turn around in their lives.  Don’t stop praying for others!

Nehemiah acknowledged that they had sinned by not keeping God’s commandments, nor His judgments or statutes as he repented for every person.   

Commandments are God’s executive order such as the 10 Commandments, keeping of the Sabbath, etc.

Judgments are instructions from God concerning how to handle situations that arise.

Statutes are the requirements God has set describing how to live in obedience to Him.

The people had not been doing what God said to do.  They had been doing what God instructed not to do.  They were not living according to how God said to live. They believed in God, but they were not following God.

Nehemiah acknowledged these sins, repented of these sins, and reminded God of His promise that if they would repent and turn back to living right before Him that He would bring them back to the place where He had set His name (Jerusalem).  He knew it was their sins that had brought them in captivity, and only God’s mercy as they turned away from their sins would bring them out of it.

Nehemiah managed to obtain favor and permission from King Artaxerxes, king of Babylon, to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.  As he inspected the walls, he was met with opposition.

Anytime you seek to repair the breeches and build the work of the Lord, the devil will stir up those who will oppose and try to stop it.

Anytime you begin to intercede and pray to see strongholds in people’s lives broken, the devil will fight you.  If he doesn’t succeed there, he will attack your family.

Sanballat and Tobiah were dwelling amongst the Jews, but they were not of God’s people.  Instead of being happy and relieved the walls were going to be rebuilt, they were GRIEVED that a man had come to see how the children of Israel were doing.  

Nehemiah became aware of it, so he secretly arose during the night taking only a few trusted men with him and began to inspect where the damage had been done and what needed to be done to repair it. The damage was great but Nehemiah began to encourage the people to work….

Ye see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste,
and the gates thereof are burned with fire:
COME, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem!
(Neh 2:17)

Nehemiah spoke faith: Yes, it seems bleak but GOD IS WITH US!  It can be rebuilt IF we all work together! SO, THEY STRENGTHENED THEIR HANDS FOR THIS GOOD WORK.         (Neh 2:18)  At times, you will need to encourage yourself in the Lord.  Other times, you will need to encourage each other.  They began to speak faith which encouraged not only their own self but also each other. Anything you do for the work of the Lord/the furtherance of His Kingdom is a good work and worth any and every effort put forth.


The devil will try to stop you through discouragement…..

Sanballat and Tobiah found someone else to join with them in standing against Nehemiah.  Together, they and Geshem tried to discourage the work being done.  They laughed and mocked and despised the work being done. The Bible does not say exactly what they said but I imagine they said similar things to what people say nowadays to discourage the work of the Lord: “It’s impossible!” “It can’t be done!”  “That’s a waste of the church’s money!” “What do you think you are doing?” “You won’t succeed!”

A parallel thought to go with this: when you start living holy and consecrating yourself to God, people will make fun of and despise you for it.  They are ok if you claim to be a believer, but they do not believe you need to be a follower.  They believe you can call yourself a Christian yet still live however you want to live. That’s contrary to what the Bible teaches.  The Bible is full of instructions of how to live holy and godly in this sinful world.  We are to come out from among them and be separate.

Going back to the work that Nehemiah and all those in Jerusalem were doing: They falsely accused them of rebelling against the king (the laws of the land).  But everyone kept working, speaking faith: “God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build…” (Neh 2:20)

In chapter 3, we find that each one took a certain section of the wall and worked to ensure that the breech was repaired and the wall rebuilt in that particular section.

The Bible mainly mentions the men who worked on each section of wall, but Nehemiah mentions there were daughters born to a man named Shallum who arose to help their father repair the walls.  (Neh 3:12)  The rest of the women of the city were most likely busy taking care of the children and providing meals for the men as they worked, but there were a few (the daughters of Shallum) who rose up and said, “we can do more!  We will help rebuild the wall, too!”

We saw that happen here at Living Water last year – the men AND the women jumped in to help repair the House of the Lord after the Church flooded.  God sees every effort and every one who strengthened their hands to work, and He keeps record.


When God’s people begin to work together in unity, there will be those the devil stirs up to mock and spread discord ….

When Sanballat heard that the walls were beginning to go up, he became wroth (extremely angry; wrathful; violent) and full of indignation.  He began to angrily mock them, trying to stir up the army of Samaria against them…

What do these feeble Jews do?
(tried to discredit their character and ability)
Will they fortify themselves?
(They think they can protect themselves against all of us?)
Will they sacrifice?
(Do they really believe God is pleased with them?)
Will they make an end in a day?
(They think they can finish this work quickly?)
Will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish
which are burned?
(It’s a mess!  There is no way they can build what has been destroyed!)

This stirred up Sanballat’s friend, Tobiah, as he began to join in the mockery, trying to weaken their hands from working and stop the work of the Lord....

Even that which they build, if a fox go up,
he shall even break down their stone wall.

Basically, he was trying to make them feel like their efforts were worthless and pitiful and not good enough. Why even try?  The devil is a sly ol’ fox but he shall not prevail.  Keep working for the Lord!  Keep living for God!  Don’t give in or back down!  Whatever you do for Jesus Christ is not in vain.

Rather than fight back with words, Nehemiah took it to God in prayer…

Hear, O our God; for we are despised:
and turn their reproach upon their own head,
and give them for a prey in the land of captivity.
And cover not their iniquity,
and let not their sin be blotted out from before Thee:
for they have provoked Thee to anger before the builders.
(Neh 4:4-5)

Many do not realize what spirit they are of when they try to discourage and stop the efforts of those working for the Lord. They do not realize what spirit they are of when they are sowing discord and gossiping and slandering against the pastor or others within the Church.  The Bible calls it an abomination because it hinders and stops unity between God’s people. (Proverbs 6:16-19) It also may cause someone to be lost.  God hears, it angers Him, and He will deal with them if they do not repent, change their ways, and make things right.

Nehemiah prayed, put it in God’s hands, then they continued to rebuild the walls BECAUSE THE PEOPLE HAD A MIND TO WORK.

We need to have a mind to work and do whatever is needed in the House of the Lord.  Working for the Lord is not just preaching or teaching or music.  Working for the Lord also includes cleaning, mowing, helping with repairs around the building, picking up trash laying around in the yard, church cleaning days, giving of tithes and offerings, helping with fundraisers, any way you can find to help keep the House of the Lord looking nice so it does deteriorate and lie in waste.

And even beyond all that: SOULWINING (Outreach), PRAYING for others and FASTING for the Church. ß That is something each and every person in the Church can do and should be doing regularly for the Kingdom of God.

Just because we pray, doesn’t mean the opposition will give up and back down right away.  Sometimes the battle intensifies and gets worse before it gets better….

Sanballat and Tobiah could see they were not succeeding.  The walls were still going up.  The breeches were repaired. God’s people were unified and working together to rebuild what lay in ruins. Things were not going their way and this made them very angry. So, they began to stir up others to be in league with them to stop the rebuilding of the wall. 

They gathered the Arabians, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites against them.  The Arabians were south of Jerusalem.  The Ammonites (Lot’s descendants) were east, and the Ashdodites (Philistines) were west.  It looked like they were surrounded by numerous armies conspiring to fight against them. 

The Jews did not let that stop them.  They prayed as they watched and continued building. (Neh 4:9)

The work you do for God/the life you live for God will make others angry.  They will plot against you and stir up others against you in efforts to try to hinder what you are doing for God.  When that happens, fight through prayer.  Watch and pray and continue doing what you’re doing for the Lord!

The devil will try to wear you down and wear you out….

Their physical bodies were already weary from the physical labors of carrying and setting stones one upon another. Now, they had the added mental and emotional stress of watching day and night, night and day to make sure their enemies did not sneak in to slay them.

The people of Judah said, “The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.”  They were basically saying they were dealing with so much extra garbage going on that they were growing weary and couldn’t continue to do what they needed to do.

Have you ever had situations arise in your life that made it difficult to focus and do what needed to get done?  Nights were sleepless and fitful?  You’re wore out physically, emotionally, and mentally?  That’s what the Jews were feeling.

Then to add to their struggle, fellow Jews from nearby came and repeatedly spoke discouraging words to them, basically saying, “Wherever you turn, they will attack us.” (Neh 4:12)

Don’t grow weary!  Shake yourself, arise, and fight through prayer! The enemy may attack, but he shall not prevail!

Nehemiah began to encourage and speak faith to them once again, reminding them of the power of the God we serve…

Be ye not afraid of them:
REMEMBER THE LORD, which is great and terrible,
(Neh 4:14)

No matter how bleak it looks; no matter how bound by sin your children may seem to be; REMEMBER WHAT THE LORD CAN DO, AND FIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILY THROUGH PRAYER! FIGHT FOR YOUR CHURCH FAMILY THROUGH PRAYER!

2 Cor 5:7 – For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Romans 4:17 – God...calleth those things which be not as though they were.

Mk 11:24 – Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, BELIEVE that ye receive them, and ye SHALL have them.  

This Christian walk is a walk of FAITH.  If we go by what we SEE, we will grow weary and discouraged. We need to speak things that are not as though they are.  God operates through FAITH.  We must BELIEVE and SPEAK IN FAITH, then we shall SEE!

When the enemies round about heard what Nehemiah said, they became discouraged as God defeated their plans. (Neh 4:15)

Nehemiah kept encouraging the people as they worked for the Lord – some labored physically, others kept watch ready to fight.  He reminded them that the battle is the Lord’s and GOD SHALL FIGHT FOR US!  

And Nehemiah encouraged unity – stand together!  Have each other’s back!  Fight for each other, not against! (Neh 4:21-23)  In chapter 5, he scolded them for mistreating each other and looking at their fellow brethren as a means of monetary gain, causing some to get further in debt. He said, “it is not good that ye do!  Walk in the fear of our God!” If you walk in the fear of God, you won’t do wrong to others.

If the devil cannot stop the progress by discouraging the people, he’ll attack the leader (the pastor) through false rumors….

Nehemiah 6 - The walls were repaired.  There were no more breaches.  But the doors of the gates had not been replaced yet.  The enemy will search and look for any way he can to gain entrance and take control or our lives or the Church.

They saw the gates were not shut.  What area of your life have you left open and vulnerable for the devil to try to gain entrance and build a stronghold in your heart and mind?  Be careful what you allow your eyes to see, your ears to hear, your mind to think upon, and your heart’s emotions to feel.

The enemy came against Nehemiah four times – they knew if they could distract the leader, they could distract and stop the work being done. Nehemiah kept his focus on what needed to be done for God and would not stop.

So, they began to bring false accusations against him – writing letters of accusation and even bringing in a false witness who claimed what was said was true.  They threatened to take this accusation to higher authorities to get him in trouble.   Nehemiah denied it.  He knew they were making it up trying to make him afraid so their hands would be weakened from the work that needed to be done.

Pastors face this more often than many realize.  The devil stirs up people to try to weaken their hands and cause discouragement through gossip, slander, sowing discord, and stirring up others to stand against them. That’s what Nehemiah was dealing with. Some pastors have given up because the battle was too great. (That is one of the things Nehemiah repented for all the people for = being preacher killers! Neh 9:26) But, like Nehemiah, there are some who recognize the hand of the enemy trying to weaken and stop the work God commissioned them to do so they keep working and praying for God to fight the battle for them.  We need to pray for our pastor and all pastors.

The enemy tried to stop him through fear….

Since it did not work to discourage Nehemiah, the enemy stirred up someone to try to cause him to be afraid for his life. (Neh 6:10)  Nehemiah was able to discern that this man was not sent by God.  He knew he would be sinning if he grew afraid and stopped doing what God called him to do.  He also knew who was behind it as he prayed for God to deal with all who were trying to make him afraid. (Neh 6:14)

They continued working and the work was finally finished. All around could see that it was God’s doing. (Neh 6:16)

The city was large and great yet there were only a few people in it, but look what those few people were able to do when they had willing minds and hands that worked together in unity.


Many years ago, I wrote a little chorus for a play we did at Apostolic Bible College….

We’ve got one mind, working together for a common purpose.
One goal: to rebuild the House of the Lord.
We’ve got one dream – to see restored what lay in ruins.
We are one people, uniting together for the Lord.

There is power in unity!  Tobiah, Sanballat, and their accomplices united to spread discouragement, slander, and discord.  While Nehemiah spread faith and encouraged unity for the good work of our God.  Be careful what you are uniting for and who you are uniting with. 

Sin in our lives can hinder the furtherance of what God wants to do in us and through us….

God is a holy God and requires holiness from His people.

Nehemiah 7 – 9 - Nehemiah knew this so they began to search what the Word of God said.  Ezra, the priest, stood on a pulpit above the people and began to read from the Book of the Law of Moses to the people.  The Levites expounded the Word in a way that the people could understand. (Neh 8:1-8)

For seven days, the ears of the people were attentive as Ezra, the priest, read for 1/4th part of the day to the people. Then the people spent the next 1/4th part of the day confessing and repenting of their sins and worshipping God.  (Neh 8:3, 9:3) During this time, they were also fasting as they humbled their selves before the Lord. (Neh 9:1)

According to research, it is believed 1/4th part of the day was estimated to be 3 hours.  So, three hours were spent listening to the preacher read from the Law, then three more hours were spent confessing, repenting, and worshipping.  That’s a total of 6 hours per day for 7 days. 

Can you imagine a six hour long Church service that went on like that for seven days?  Many may think: “that is a long time to spend listening to the Preacher and praying!” However, our life is not our own.

We were not created to ‘live life to the fullest.’ We were created to worship God! We are to give Him the attention and time He deserves, yet we all must admit we fall extremely short when we examine how we spend our time. 




Neh 13:1-2 – Nehemiah reminded them about Balaam who was hired to curse them “Howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing!”

God spoke these words to me in the Spring of last year: “Out of the eater came forth meat!” (Judges 14:14) What may appear to be seeking to devour and destroy us will be what strengthens and feeds us!

The water leak on Dec 24, 2022 which caused damage throughout most of the Church turned out to be a blessing.  We were able to repair, remodel, and renovate the entire Church – work that was needing to be done but the Church did not have the funds for. There were even funds left over which helped with the purchase of the house and land in front of us that blocked the view of the Church.

God turned the curse into a blessing!

There are so many lessons we can learn from the book of Nehemiah, but in summary:

·        Keep speaking faith

·        Be an intercessor  

·        Keep working for the Lord no matter the opposition or hardship

·        Strengthen each others hands by encouraging one another in the Lord

·        Stand together in faith and unity

·        Pray for our Pastor – be an Aaron and Hur holding his hands up in prayer

·        Spend more time in God’s presence

·        Get sin out of our lives

and most of all….

·        BELIEVE and SPEAK FAITH for what God is doing and continuing to do in our Church, in our families, and in our community! 

·        God operates through faith and unity!

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