Tuesday, May 28, 2024

BELIEVER VS FOLLOWER - Is There A Difference?

BELIEVER VS FOLLOWER - Is There A Difference?

The term ‘I’m a Believer’ is thrown around loosely by many.  Many will claim to be a ‘believer.’

What is a ‘believer’? Let’s look at what the word ‘believer’ means: “a person who believes that a specified thing is effective, proper, or desirable.” For example: A person can firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. It’s what they believe to be true.

But sometimes what a person believes can be false.  They may adamantly believe it and will even fight to defend that belief, but what they are believing is a lie. (For example: there are some who believe a male can be a female and vice versa despite the fact that their DNA and bone structure will reveal far beyond death which gender they are besides other scientific facts. They are a firm believer and yet their belief is inaccurate.  It’s not based on facts.)

As Christians, the Bible uses the term ‘Believer’ to describe those who Believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah. The term is first found in Acts 5:14… “And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.”

It’s often thought that a Christian’s faith is based upon a BELIEF in Jesus…which is mainly what many focus on.

And yet a Christian’s faith is also about FOLLOWING Jesus….which you don’t hear mentioned as much.

What is the difference between following and believing? Aren’t they both the same? Not exactly.

The definition of ‘Follower’ according to merriam-webster means an adherent, disciple, or devotee of a particular person, cause or activity. A follower has a close and persistent attachment to the one they are following.

Dictionary.com defines a follower as a person who follows another in regard to their ideas or belief. They are a disciple.

Brittanica.com explains it as: someone who supports and is guided by another person or by a group, religion, etc.  They are loyal/faithful followers.

Social media has blurred the true definition of what a follower is.  Some will ‘follow’ another person or page on social media, yet many of those ‘followers’ do not have a close attachment to that person/page.  They are more-so following just to find out what is going on, not because they are a true devoted follower. 

There have been many who have become followers of the wrong thing/wrong person.  (We can look at history to find many examples.)

In several Scriptures, Jesus instructed us to ‘follow’ Him. (Mt 4:19, 8:22, 9:9, 16:24 + Mk 8:34, 10:21)  So, what does it mean to follow Jesus?

When you were a kid, did you ever play ‘follow the leader’? Those following had to go wherever the leader led and do whatever the leader did, whether it was climbing over a log, hopping on one leg, or spinning as you walked.  You mimicked what the leader did.  You imitated their behavior or copied what they said.  You were following the leader.

In the same way, as we follow Jesus: we are going to go wherever He leads; we are going to do whatever He tells us to do; we are going to talk in the way He instructs us to talk.  

A person may claim they ‘Believe,’ but if that is all they do (believe in Jesus) yet they do not go beyond that to truly ‘follow’ Jesus by ‘doing’ what Jesus says, they are stuck at the first level of what it takes to follow Jesus.

Believing is the first thing we must do when we come to Christ, because how can you follow Christ except you first ‘believe’ on Him?

While believing and following can relate to one another, they are slightly different.  BELIEVING is more-so about what you THINK.  While FOLLOWING is more-so about what you DO.

For example: a person can BELIEVE (think) exercising is a good habit to have and that every person should exercise regularly.  And while they may walk or participate in an activity once in a while, they do not regularly or faithfully exercise.  They believe a person should yet they are not doing what they believe.

While following is more about what you DO: They know they need to do more than just believe exercise is good for the body.  They understand they need to put that belief into action, therefore, they will exercise regularly.

So, when Christians say that they BELIEVE in Jesus, they are saying that they believe that Jesus is the Christ, our Savior.  Many will agree and say they believe that as well.

Whereas, Christians who FOLLOW Jesus are saying that they are trying to adhere to Jesus’ teachings, obey what the Bible says, and to actually behave as Jesus instructs.

Can’t a person just ‘BELIEVE’?  Isn’t being a BELIEVER enough?

After all, Jesus warned in John 8:24, “…if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.”

Yes, Jesus did say we must ‘believe,’ but the devils believe as well and tremble, yet they are not saved. (James 2:19)

Jesus taught in Mark 16:16: He that believeth AND IS BAPTIZED shall be saved. And He warned that anyone who doesn’t believe will be lost. We must believe FIRST.  Then, Jesus is requiring an action AFTER believing.  He instructed we must believe FIRST, and after we believe we are to be baptized.

Jesus went on to teach that there are to be signs that FOLLOW Believers (vs 17-18).  Jesus said Believers SHALL: cast out devils, speak with new tongues, lay hands on the sick (to pray for them), etc.  Notice that all these things are ACTIONS that should FOLLOW every BELIEVER.  These are things that BELIEVERS should be DOING.

A BELIEVER should also be a FOLLOWER (a DOER) as well.

James 1:22-25 instructs: But be ye DOERS of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.  For if any man is a HEARER of the Word, and NOT a DOER, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass (mirror): For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and CONTINUETH therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, BUT A DOER of the WORK, this man shall be blessed in his DEED.

If a person believes yet they do not DO what the Word teaches, they are deceiving their own selves. We are to be DOERS (Followers), as well as HEARERS (Believers).

Have you ever told your child to do something, but they don’t move to obey? You instruct them to clean their room, yet when you check a little later to see the progress, you find they have not done anything.  You ask, “Did you hear me???”  They heard but they were not a doer. 



In the same way, we can HEAR the preacher or teacher when they teach the Bible but if we don’t DO what the Bible says, we are disobeying God and there will be consequences in the end.

Jesus warned in Matthew 7:21 – Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter in to the Kingdom of Heaven; BUT HE THAT DOETH THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in Heaven.

Jesus is teaching in this passage of Scripture that it takes more than just calling Him ‘Lord.’ It takes obedience and action = DOING the WILL of God. If you believe He truly is Lord, you will DO what it takes to please Him.

Jesus again warned in Matthew 7:26-27 – And every one that HEARETH these sayings of Mine, and DOETH them NOT, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and IT FELL: and GREAT WAS THE FALL OF IT.

A person may hear, but Jesus said if they do not DO what the Scriptures say they are likened to a foolish person whose house fell when the storms of life came.  Not only did it fall, but it was a GREAT fall.  So is every person who hears but does not DO what the Word of God teaches.

In order to be a faithful Christian, we must not only BELIEVE in Jesus, but we must also follow Him.  We must be more than just a hearer, we must also be a doer.

If the belief that some hold tightly to is correct that it does not matter what you do or how you live as long as you BELIEVE, then a person can steal or beat someone up and still be saved…as long as they believe, right?  Is that accurate?  Does that sound right?

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, “Why do you call Me LORD, LORD, but don’t do the things I said.”

We can see from Jesus’ words that He IS concerned with what we DO and following what He says needs to be done.  Again, Believing comes FIRST.  FOLLOWING comes after.

Some have the misunderstanding that FOLLOWING just means doing a bunch of good deeds all the time like feeding the hungry, and if you do enough good deeds you’ll gain Jesus’ approval.

But a rich young man came to Jesus who did a lot of good deeds came to Jesus ready to show off all his good works.  He thought surely that’s all he needed to do to be able to make it to heaven. (Luke 18:18-27)

He told Jesus that he obeyed his mom and dad and all of the commandments.  He didn’t steal.  He didn’t lie.  He was a good young man.

Jesus looked lovingly at the young man and wanted him to follow Him as He said, “One thing you are lacking: go and sell whatever you have and give to the poor and then you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come, take up your cross and follow Me.”

Jesus could see the young man loved money and the things of this world.  He wanted to live his life the way he wanted to live and still be able to enter heaven.  He wanted to follow Jesus on his own terms. He thought being good was good enough, but it wasn’t. 

Jesus said to take up our cross and follow Him. Does that mean we need to carry a literal cross around on our back?  No.  What Jesus is saying is that just as a cross is heavy – living for Jesus will not always be easy.  We will sometimes carry burdens that are heavy to bear.

A cross is rugged and has splinters – walking with Jesus will not be a cakewalk with everyone smiling and happy all the time.  Living for Jesus will sometimes be rough.  You may get hurt by others when you are following Jesus.

But following Jesus is worth it in the end.  Because it’s all about pleasing HIM, not our friends.  We want to hear Jesus say one day, “Well done, enter in.”  But we’ll only hear that IF we do the things that Jesus said to do and obey whatever is written in the Bible.

We need to be more than just a believer – we must be a believer AND a follower. 

We must do more than just HEAR what God’s Word said – we must also DO what God’s Word says.

Jesus said in Luke 6:46, “Why do you call Me LORD, LORD, but don’t do the things I said.”

If we call Him Lord then we must do the things He said to do. 

How will we know what He says to do?

By reading ALL of the Bible, cover to cover, not just the Scriptures we like or the ones we find in a little ‘Promise Box’. 

We must faithfully read the Bible every day.

We will learn what the Word of God teaches to do or not to do by being faithful to Church and Bible studies.  This is where we hear the preacher and the teacher expound the Scriptures to us.

We will learn more about what God’s Word says to do by praying every day – because prayer is what helps to prepare our hearts and minds to receive and understand what we are reading or being taught.

A true Believer is going to be a Follower. 

A true Believer is going to search the Scriptures daily to learn what it takes to be like Jesus. 

A true Believer is going to be an example to other believers….

Paul admonished Timothy to be an example of what a Believer is: in what he says, in his behavior/the way he lives, in showing love toward others, in spirit (what is inside = the heart/emotions), in his religious beliefs, and in moral and spiritual cleanliness. (1 Tim 4:12)

These are actions.                                           

A true Believer is going to talk like Jesus, act like Jesus, love like Jesus, believe like Jesus, dress like Jesus wants us to dress, live like Jesus wants us to live, and try to imitate Him in every way.

A true BELIEVER is going to be a DOER of the Word and not just a HEARER.

A true BELIEVER is going to be a FOLLOWER of JESUS.

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