What is truth? Truth is absolute. It is fact. It cannot be changed.
Encyclopedia Brittanica records this concerning Truth:
“Truth is the aim of belief;
falsity is a fault. People need the truth about the world in order to
thrive. Truth is important. Believing
what is not true is apt to spoil people’s plan’s and may even cost them their
lives. Telling what is not true may result in legal and social penalties. Conversely,
a dedicated pursuit of Truth characterizes the good scientist, the good historian,
and the good detective. So what is truth, that it should have such gravity and
such a central place in people’s lives?”
Thoreau (whoever that person is)
made this statement, “Rather than love, than money, than fame, GIVE ME TRUTH.”
Jesus said in John 8:32, “Ye shall know the Truth and the
Truth shall make you free.”
Truth is important!
We live in a day and time when
many do not see truth as absolute, solid, and unchanging. They see it as a
belief. One believes one way to be the truth
while another believes another way as the truth, regardless of whether it is truly
true or not. If they believe it to be truth,
then it is…to them.
Unfortunately, many are twisting the
definition of truth. They claim that
truth is merely beliefs and assertions. They now call them ‘alternative facts.’ A fact is a fact and is unchanging. There are no ‘alternatives’. One is truth.
One is a lie.
For example: there are many today
who believe a man can be a woman or that a woman can be a man. There are even children in schools who
believe they are cats so they place litter boxes in the bathrooms for them to
Just because a man believes he is
a woman or a child believes they are a cat, does that mean it is true? No!
Anyone who believes those things
to be true can come to my house and try to get milk from our bull. We all know that is impossible. There are
things that are facts and cannot be changed no matter how much a person may want
or believe it to be different.
No matter if a person goes
through surgery or takes hormones to try to appear to be what they are not,
they will still always and forever be the gender they were born as.
Science proves it. DNA proves it. Even bone structure will forever
prove and reveal whether a person is male or female. If bones are found in a
secluded area, forensics will help law enforcement determine whether those bones
belong to someone who was a male or female, and they also reveal approximately
how old that person may have been.
These are facts that cannot be
changed no matter what a person may try to do to change that. Even plastic surgery and hair dye cannot
change the facts of how old a person truly is.
It is sad that despite the facts
that cannot be changed or altered, many still refuse to believe the truth. The Bible
warns that if we do not believe and receive truth (not our truth but God’s
truth) we will be lost eternally.
2 Thessalonians 2
3 – Let
no man deceive you by any means:
(don’t let anyone cause you to believe something that isn’t true)
for that day (the Day of Christ – vs 2) shall not come,
EXCEPT there come a falling away first
(meaning people will depart from the Truth),
and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.
(ruin or loss physical, spiritually, or eternally)
10 – And with
all deceivableness of unrighteousness
(easily deceived, misled, convinced of something that is not true)
in them that perish;
that they might be saved.
11 – AND
that they should believe a lie;
12 – That
they all might be damned (lost)
They did not want to
receive a love of the truth because they loved their sin more. They did not want to believe or hear anything
that would require change and a turning away from the sin they enjoyed doing. They
wanted the lie to be truth therefore they became deceived and believed the lie.
It amazes and saddens me that a
person will refuse to believe and turn away from committing sin despite being
shown Scripture against what they are doing.
They’ll say, “I don’t believe all that!” or “Just talk about God’s love”
because they love their sin more and have pleasure in doing
unrighteousness. They want to believe their
‘truth’ over God’s truth.
Paul warned Timothy in 1 Timothy
1:3-4 ….charge some (give command) that they teach no other doctrine. Neither give heed to fables (ideas that are
not true).
There are ideas (even about God’s
Word) that are not true. They are fables
and yet many believe and hold tightly to them because they appeal to the
appetite of the fleshly desires. Paul instructed
Timothy to give commandment that they are not to teach any other doctrine than
what Paul and Timothy taught them nor to give ear to ideas that are not Biblically
accurate or true.
What man wants to believe or not believe
concerning salvation, sin, or what’s in the Bible will never supersede the
truth of God’s Word.
Proverbs 23:23 instructs – Buy
the Truth and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
Buy the
Truth = Truth will cost you something!
It will cost
you, requiring you to give up your own wants, desires, and
will of the flesh.
sell it! Don’t trade off truth to fulfill
what this flesh wants for in
the end it will cost you more
than you may have bargained for = your
Be open
to listen and receive godly wisdom and instruction = it will
cost you your time as you
spend more time in prayer, Bible reading,
and listening to the preached Word.
Seek to
obtain understanding of what God’s Word truly says, not what
man desires it to say.
The Bible teaches in many Scriptures
that we are to walk before God in Truth – 1 Kings 2:4, 2 Kings 20:3, Psalms
26:3, Ps 86:11, Is 38:3
We are to serve God in Truth = Joshua 24:14 and 1 Sam 12:24
For we will be judged according
to God’s righteousness and with His truth = Ps 96:13
David wisely prayed, “Lead me in Thy Truth, and teach me…” Psalms
Because Truth is a shield and buckler = Ps 91:4
A shield and buckler are used for
protection. The shield is used to defend yourself. It is large and protects
most of the body. The buckler is smaller, often worn on the forearm, and is
used for advancement purposes against the enemy.
Truth will not only protect you
but will also help to fight against the tactics of the enemy. The buckler of truth can be used to gain
advantage over the devil just as Jesus used Scripture to fight back against the
devil when he came to tempt Him, twisting the Scriptures.
The devil tried to cause Jesus to
question what the Scriptures truly said. (Mt 4:1-11) It was his first tactic against Adam and Eve
to make them fall (Gen 3) and he is still using that same tactic today…. “Hath
God really said….?” “Does God’s Word really say (that)?” “God’s Word doesn’t really mean (that).” This is why it is important to KNOW what God’s
Word truly says.
We are to CHOOSE the way of Truth = Ps 119:30
Truth is what will endure = Ps 100:5
God is near to those who call upon Him in Truth = Ps 145:18
The righteous which keepeth the Truth may enter in = Is 26:2
The Preacher seeks for the Truth (Ecc
12:10) so that he may deliver what is right before God to the hearers and teach
them the way of Truth.
Because… There is a way which
seemeth right (appears to be upright) unto a man, but the end thereof are the
ways (the road) of death. (Prov 16:25)
The Hebrew word for ‘seemeth
right’ (H3477) means that there is a path people will take that appears to be
the straight way; it appears to be upright. BUT…it is really the path/the road
that leads to death (H4194 - meaning ruin/hades).
What may appear to be the right
way to live and do things in the eyes of many is not the right way in the eyes
of God. It is really the broad path that leads to destruction. (Mt 7:13)
That’s why we are instructed to
SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for in them ye THINK ye have eternal life. (John 5:39) Many THINK they have eternal life yet they do
not LIVE for Jesus. They believe on
Jesus but they do not follow Him or live godly.
They are following a way that
seems right unto a man – “just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though
shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31) – because it’s the easy way that appeals to the
flesh. Just believe and be saved,
nothing more required of a person….according to the way that seems right unto
man…but when you read the entire Bible cover to cover, you see that there is
more that God requires of each of us.
They are believing half of the
truth without continuing to read further in Acts 16 to see that in the very
next verse, the jailer and his household went on to be Baptized after
they believed. (vs 32) Believing is only the first step, then we must obey
Jesus’ instructions to be Born Again of water and of Spirit. (John 3)
These are Biblical truths many do
not want to believe because it requires something more of them. It requires change. It requires denying the flesh. It requires turning away from sins that they
love doing.
There are Biblical truths about holiness
inside and out that many do not want to believe.
They take a portion of Scripture
from 1 Samuel 16:7 and claim, “God only looks at the heart!” Usually that is
not said with a humble meek spirit. It’s
usually spouted with a haughty and rebellious attitude and tone. Yet, many use
this small portion of a Scripture to make allowance for immodest clothing and
exposing of the flesh.
God was not saying in this
passage that He does not care what a person wears or how they dress. He was
addressing that man will choose and place someone in a position based on their
stature, their looks, and their charming demeanor. God sees beyond that to what is truly in the
The truth as to whether or not God
cares about our attire can be seen in God’s Word beginning in Genesis. God does
care about what we wear or He wouldn’t have changed Adam and Eve’s fig leaf
apron to a modest coat for both of them.
If God didn’t care about what we wear, He would not have given
instructions on clothing for the ministry, modest apparel, or instructed that a
woman is not to wear anything that pertains to a man nor is a man to put on a
woman’s garment. If God didn’t care,
then why would He warn that it’s an abomination? (Dt 22:5)
1 Sam 16:7 has been twisted to
appease the conscious and make allowance for the flesh. It is a way that seems
right unto man but leads to spiritual death.
David asked this question of God…
Lord, who
shall abide in Thy Tabernacle?
Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill?
He knew the answer when he wrote….
He that
walketh uprightly (without sin)
and worketh righteousness (does what’s right)
and speaketh the truth in his heart (does not lie)
He that backbiteth not with his tongue
(doesn’t slander anyone or be a tale-bearer against them)
nor doeth evil to his neighbor,
(does no wrong to another – Romans 13:8-10)
Nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor,
(Reproach = stripping; does not strip reputation from another through slander
and gossip – does not spread, propagate, or believe it)
In whose eyes a vile person is contemned;
but he honoureth them that fear the Lord.
(Does not justify or make excuses for those who do wrong while casting blame on
the victim – rather they are respected for doing right before God)
He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not.
(going to keep his word and not change it no matter how much it hurts)
He that putteth not out his money to usury,
(will not charge another person interest when loaning money
placing that person further in debt)
nor taketh reward against the innocent.
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
Psalm 15
Those who do these things will
abide in God’s Tabernacle and dwell in His holy hill. Those who do not, will not.
If we only need to believe and
that’s all it takes to be saved, then the 10 Commandments would be invalid as
well as the instructions throughout the Old and New Testaments.
If we only need to believe and
that’s all it takes to be saved, then Paul’s warning that those who do the
following will not enter the Kingdom of God would not be necessary….
Know ye
not that THE UNRIGHTEOUS (wrongdoers)
SHALL NOT INHERIT the Kingdom of God?
Neither fornicators (sexually immoral)
Nor idolaters
(immorality can be an idol – notice it is mentioned between the two)
Nor adulterers
(sexual relations with someone other than a person’s spouse)
Nor effeminate
Nor abusers of themselves with mankind
(effeminate and abusers are referencing homosexual relations)
(**Notice the first 5 things refer to sexual immorality**)
Nor thieves (those who steal)
Nor covetous (greed/envy)
Nor drunkards (alcohol consumption)
Nor revilers
(one who reproaches another angrily, rebuking with ill temper)
Nor extortioners
(those who cheat, swindle, or threaten to obtain money from others)
(No one who does any of these things)
Shall inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Cor 6:9-10
These six
things doth the LORD hate:
Yea, seven are an abomination unto Him:
A proud look
A lying tongue
And hands that shed innocent blood
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
Feet that be swift running to mischief
A false witness that speaketh lies
And he that soweth discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19
We cannot do these things yet expect
to enter heaven.
The last seven mentioned are
abominations to God = God never changes how He looks at those who do those
things (without repenting and changing).
Jesus prayed this prayer concerning His Disciples…”Sanctify
(to make holy) them through Thy Truth: Thy Word is Truth.” (Jn 17:17)
God’s Word is what is truth. We need to seek for His truth, learn
His truth, follow His truth, and love His truth.
There are so many more Biblical
truths that many do not want to hear taught or preached because it goes against
the will of the flesh yet we need to have a love for truth and be open to
hearing whether we like what is said or not because it can make the difference
between whether we hear, “Well done, enter in!” or “Depart from Me, I know you
not you worker of iniquity!”
We need to get a love for the truth - Our
eternity depends on it.
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