Monday, January 1, 2018

The spirit of Korah

Important note: **This isn't written as a rebuke but out of love and concern for what the Lord has shown me in His Word**

Over the past few weeks,  I've seen several posts on Facebook that have me concerned for the souls of those posting.  People are posting against pastors without any fear of God or reverence for the office of the man of God. Not only are they posting against the pastors, but they are also trying to rile others up against the pastors as well.   One person went so far as to boast that they had called that pastor's District Superintendant in the attempt of getting that pastor's ministerial license pulled.  Then proceeded to gloat about it on FB in an attempt to rile others up against this man as well, and then these others proceeded to angrily share this person's post. 

This is a dangerous spirit! 

Whether the gripe is real or perceived, it is unbiblical and a dangerous spirit to give ear to. 

It reminds me of Korah (Numbers 16).  Korah rebelled against Moses' authority.  He didn't feel Moses was leading or doing things correctly.  He felt he could do a much better job.  But rather than taking his gripe to Moses privately, he went around airing his gripe to others (a.k.a. gossiping and backbiting) and stirred up the hearts of the people against Moses and Aaron.  (Someone who is offended about something never wants to be offended alone.  They want to feel supported in their feelings and desire for others to agree with their actions).

The spirit of Korah (rebellion) did not just affect him alone; it cost most of the people of Israel their lives. Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and the 250+ leaders in Israel provoked the LORD (Num 16:30) by stirring up the people against the man God had placed as leader over His people. It would have cost the entire nation of Israel their lives if Moses and Aaron hadn't interceded for them (twice).   Sowing discord amongst the brethren is an abomination unto the LORD (Prov 6:16-19) because it doesn't stop with just one or spreads and eats like a cancer.   

The Bible warns,
"Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."
(Psalm 105:15)

Some will try to excuse this admonition away and say, "we're all God's anointed."
Korah said the same thing, "ye take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is among them:..." (Num 16:3) but read about his end.  God was not pleased with what he did.  It was a very serious matter.  It ended with the earth swallowing up Korah, Dathan, and Abiram's tents and households alive.  The 250+ leaders in Israel were consumed by fire.  And over 14,000 people died from plague.  All this because one man stirred up the hearts of the people against the man of God.

David was anointed King over Israel, was fleeing for his life from a man (Saul, also the King of Israel) who wanted to kill him without just cause, YET David felt convicted just for cutting off a small piece of the King's robe.  (1 Sam 24:4-5)   It is said the Rabbi's teach that any act of disrespect shown to one of the teachers and guides of Israel, even by injuring the clothes they wore, God would punish this person sooner or later.  David felt convicted because he wanted to be right before God and man.

There are some serious lessons to be learned in the Bible. 

Many focus on the love and mercy of God but there's another side of God that we must not overlook. There are so many Scriptures concerning and admonishing us to fear God.  We need to get a healthy fear of God in our hears for it is by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil. (Prov 16:6)

Perhaps that is why the Apostles admonish many times throughout the New Testament to rebuke, withdraw, to mark and even avoid those who walk disorderly (1 Tim 5:20, 6:3-5, Rom 16:17-18, 2 Thess 3:6). 

Bad attitudes are contagious.

Let the words of my mouth (what I say)
and the meditation of my heart (what I think about)
be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer.
Ps 19:14

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